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Great Divide, ALCAN and Dalton, and Costal Highways

Motorcycling Adventure #2

40 days, 10,700 miles

Jun-Aug 2011

Ray Jardine

Day 20

July 10, 2011: Summit Lake to Teslin Lake CG Yukon

Day's mileage: 411 mi

Day 21

July 11, 2011: Teslin Lake to Tok AK

Hanes Junction

I'm riding along and 3 motorcycles approached at high speed. The first thing I saw was a woman with a long ponytail streaming behind her. She went by in a blur, and the two guys riding close behind her as though in formation, side by side, looking like a couple bodyguards. They disappeared from sight as quickly as they had appeared.

A while later I came to a construction roadblock, where a flagman had stopped traffic. The flagman motioned me to come up to the front of the line, for some safety reason. Then I found myself in the company of those three riders. We had a ten minute break, so we parked the bikes, took the helmets off, and greeted each other and socialized. Whenever I stop where there are other motorcycles, I have instant friends. I always feel comfortable talking to fellow motorcyclists. These folks were from Vermont, a husband and wife (Larry & Loretta) and a friend. Shortly two more bikes pulled up, and we were had a great time visiting.

Then the pilot car showed up, coming the other way. I was the first one on my bike, helmet on, gloves on, start the engine, and I was the only one ready to go when the pilot car took off. So I followed behind him. The pilot car took off like a shot, 60 mph, so I had to drive fast too, to keep up. Very soon I had a whole string of motorcycles behind me, single-file, with me leading the pack. There was lots of gravel because the road was in such poor condition, and there wasn't much room to pass. I was concentrating on the road, so I just stayed in front. I was expecting the other motorcyclists to pass me, but they didn't. For about 20 minutes we were going 70-75 mph on a curvy road, it was really fun and really exciting for me. But I was getting low on gas, so I slowed down. Strangely, everybody else slowed down too. Then it dawned on me that they were probably low on gas too, so they were driving slower to conserve fuel.

Rod, Larry & Loretta and friend.

Finally we reached a couple gas stations at Beaver Creek, where we all fueled up. We ate some snacks and talked quite a bit, then Rod showed up, who I had been seeing for a couple days, and he joined the mix. I was ready to go; I wasn't trying to race, but they were not ready, so I left. But then Rod passed me like a flash. When we reached the US-Canada border, it didn't take long for me to pass through, but it took Rod a lot longer because he is from Chile. I rode about 45 minutes by myself, then finally here they came; we waved to each other, smiled, and then they passed me by like I was standing still. But I was thinking, I'm going to keep up with them. We were going 80 mph on a really curvy road. I just couldn't keep up. I was leaning as far as I have ever leaned, but they were so much faster, even on the straightaway - an in a few minutes they were gone!


When I reched Tok, there they were, so I pulled up and had a nice chat again. I asked Loretta how she learned to ride a motorcycle so fast, and she said she took lessons on a track.

Today I didn't get many pictures because the scenery was going by so fast. But the day was really a fun, I really enjoyed it.

Day's mileage: 485 mi

Day 22

July 12, 2011: Tok to Fairbanks AK

The highway from Tok
In Delta Junction, this is Rick from Australia. He has ridden motorcycles for decades, but this trip is driving a rental car through AK with his DSLR. He had to show me all his photos. Some very nice ones.
Tanana River.
This couple is from Beaverton OR, and just finished the Haul Road from Deadhorse. They were full of helpful tips.
The guy in the back shirt is an military survival instructor out of Arizona. I talked with him for 30 minutes.
Susan broke her leg a month ago. and couldn't get to a doctor because she lives 100 miles from the Haul Road. So she laid in bed for 2 weeks. That's her limping in the photo above. Se had xrays but didn't want a cast. Pretty hard core.

Day's mileage: 202 mi

Day 23

July 13, 2011: Fairbanks to Coldfoot AK camp

The Dalton Highway (the N. Slope Haul Road)

Yukon River
Fueling up
Gas at Yukon Crossing
Arctic Circle
My campsite 10 miles north of Coldfoot.

Day's mileage: 263 mi

Day 24

July 14, 2011: Coldfoot Camp to Deadhorse AK

It's starting to rain as I'm breaking camp.
The road leading up to Atigun Pass
Enjoying the view from the summit of Atigun Pass.
they spray the road with calcium chloride, and in the rain it coats everthing with dura-mud.
Dalton Highway "Haul Road" mud
The mud has plugged the radiator girlle.
Every time a vehicle goes by, I get this.
Franklin Bluffs
Deadhorse, 266 mi from the previous gas stop at Coldfoot. I carried an extra 2 gallons on this stretch but didn't need to. My fuel light came on 15 miles out of Deadhorse. That means an amazing 89.9 miles per gallon!
This is what's in the shed.
Prudhoe Bay and the Arctic Ocean. in 1996 Jenny and I camped near here during our sea-kayaking adventure, (1,400 miles Alaska coastline) chronicled in our book "Siku Kayak"
Mike at the Prudhoe Bay Hotel (See folowing page).

Day's mileage: 232 mi

Day 25

July 15, 2011: Prudhoe Bay

Mike had ridden his sport bike with street tires to here from Tucson. He had somehow managed to find someone with a pressure washer to clean his bike.
I spent an hour clearing the mud out of the radiator grille, with my tool-bag toothbrush and a bucket of warm water. Then another 1.5 hours washing the bike by hand. I got the important parts somewhat clean, and that will have to do until I get back to Fairbanks. Photo taken before starting.
The dynamic duo, Leslie & Cheryl; very nice gals with an excellent ride report on ADV.
Enjoyed a good chat with Cheryl & Leslie this evening, comparing notes about our respective trips and sharing tips. Good fun, good people.

Day 26

July 16, 2011: Deadhorse to Fairbanks

Set off from Deadhorse at 6:30, and had the haul-road to myself for a while - until the big tucks started rolling through.
It's a fine morning with no rain. The haul-road was just a bit wet from the pervious days of rain. No rain yesterday, but the road takes a few days to dry out, thanks no doubt to the chemicals used on it.
This is the Dalton Highway - the "haul-road" and the Alaska Pipeline.
They have buried the pipeline in some sections.
the road crosses the Brooks Range at Atigun Pass.
At Atigun Pass I entered the clouds, then had rain for the next several hours.
Cheryl & Leslie
The wet road has turned to muck.
The muck has plugged the radiator intake. and the bike's overheating light has come on. I had to stop and cool it down - and clean some of the mud off the radiator intake.
Cheryl & Leslie are amused because they think I'm washing my bike :)
We reach Fairbanks at a late hour.

On the 240 mile stretch from Deadhorse to Coldfoot, the bike got just over 90 miles per gallon. Again I didn't have to use my spare fuel.

Day's mileage: 498 mi

Day 27

July 17, 2011: Layover in Fairbanks.

We stayed at the dorm (UA Fairbanks)
We each spent $9 at the car wash, then went to breakfast.
At the store for bike cleaning supplies.
The bikes are looking better after working on them for a couple of hours.

Day 28

July 18, 2011: Fairbanks to Tok

Hemmed in by a couple of boxers.
The locksmith managed to unlock my tail box, so I can get it off my bike when needed (the upcoming oil change).
Back at the Tanna River.
Moblegating towards Tuk.
The aforementioned oil change.
I went to the store with nowhere to carry the Groceries. What to do? Improvise.

Day's mileage: 207 mi

Day 29

July 19, 2011: Tok to Whitehorse Yukon

How to change the brake pads in the rain. Put the bike under the eaves.
Old an new.

Day's mileage: 385 mi

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