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Ray-Way Net-Tent Kit

Keeping Out the Bugs

Ray-Way Products

Ray & Jenny Jardine

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The Ray-Way Net-Tent

Ray-Way 2P Tarp and XL Quadratic Net-Tent in Colorado

The Ray-Way Net-Tent is a tent-like enclosure made of netting that clips very simply under a Tarp Kit. You sew the Kit yourself.

Net-Tent  Order Your Net-Tent Kit Here 

The Ray-Way Tarp Book Essential contains a wealth of info about using a Ray-Way Net-Tent.

Ray demonstrates how he uses the Tarp and Net-Tent in his AT Gear Video.

We offer three basic designs of Net-Tent, with several sizes each:

All three models look about the same, and have the same waterproof bathtub floor.

All three models of the Net-Tent require a few added attachments sewn to one's tarp. These are easy to sew onto an existing Ray-Way tarp, and our instructions tell you how.

Net-Tent Flap-Closure

1) Our Net-Tent with Door-Flap closure is the lightest, and also the easiest to sew by a wide margin. Recommended for blocking flying insects such as mosquitoes and back flies, and the vast majority of crawling ones. This version of the kit will make a one-person or a two-person Net-Tent.

Our Net-Tent with Door-Flap Closure comes without zippers to add simplicity and to save weight. To keep the bugs out, you simply lay the the netting headwall extension (door-flap) on the floor, and then place a few objects (water bottles, pillow, clothing bag, etc) on top of it, or you can tuck the door-flap under the floor. You can make an even better seal by placing the headwall extension flush with the edge of the bathtub extension of the floor, and rolling them both up a few times. Then you would place some weight (water bottles for example) on the roll to hold it in place. This method is very effective. But if camping in a place where the bugs are especially numerous, you might prefer a zipper closure instead.

Our basic Net-Tent with Flap Closure is 81" in length. You can order the "Long" option: 12" longer or less.

We don't offer a Wide option with the Flap Closure. If you need wider, then order a Quadratic Large or X-Large.

Specifications Flap Closure

1P Long30"93" 
2P Long48"93" 

Long (up to 12" longer)

Net-Tent Flap  Order Your Net-Tent Flap-Closure Here 
A 2P Net-Tent Quadratic on Ray's Moto Prudhoe trip.

Net-Tent Quadratic

2) The Quadratic (Net-Tent with zipper closure) would be the most suitable for most people, because it keeps the ticks out better than the flap version, and it is easier to sew than a Spitfire. The zipper version is a bit heavier than the door-flap version, due to the weight of the zippers - but not by much. And it takes a little more time to sew, again because of the zippers. But the design is very simple with only four pieces of netting to sew together (like the door-flap version). Order the one-person version, or the two-person version. Ray used a 2P Net-Tent with zipper closure on his Moto Prudhoe trip.

The name "Quadratic" comes from a part of the math that we used in the design. Quadratic Formula Song.

The Quadratic Net-Tent is meant to be used under a Ray-Way Tarp. But it can also be used alone. Here, we have removed the Tarp, and pitched the Quadratic with the same poles and cords, although we had to use short (16") extension cords on the corner and side guys.

Our basic 2P Quadratic Kit (Net-Tent with zipper closure) has plenty of room for two people. If you want even more room, order a 2P Large kit (6" wider, 6" longer) or a 2P X-Large kit (12" wider, 12" longer)

2P Quadratic, view of interior.

Jenny and the 2P Quadratic

Specifications Quadratic

1P Large36"87" 
1P X-Large42"93" 
2P Large54"87" 
2P X-Large60"93" 

Large (6" wider, 6" longer) or X-Large kit (12" wider, 12" longer)

The Quadratic's floor is 81" long, same as the Spitfire, both 1P and 2P. If you are unsure about the length you need, place two cardboard boxes on the floor, 81" apart, and lie between them. If you need a longer floor, opt for the 1P or 2P size Large (6" longer) or X-Large (12" longer).

Note that when laying down, a person is actually several inches longer than his or her height, due to the flexing of the ankles. When standing, the ankles flex 90 degrees to the legs, unless ballet dancing. So for example, a person 6 foot zero inches in height will require a bed length of at least 72" + 6". this is well within our 1P or 2P floor length of 81". If a person is taller than 6' and wants to save the most weight, he or she might do the box test (two cardboard boxes on the floor, 81" apart, and lie between them) and see how much room is needed. The size 1P-Large is 6 inches longer, and most of the added weight is in the floor. So imagine a strip of floor fabric 6" wide by 87" long, and that is about how much weight is added. This might be huge for a distance hiker, but not much for everyone else.

Ray-Way 2P Quadratic (Net-Tent with zipper closure).

Net-Tent Quadratic  Order Your Net-Tent Quadratic Here 

We are also offering a Quadratic Sewing Video.

Quadratic Sewing Video  Order Your Sewing Video Here 

Net-Tent Spitfire

The Spitfire version of the zippered Net-Tent, 11.6 oz.

3) The Spitfire version of the Net-Tent is a one-person netting enclosure designed to fit under a Ray-Way one-person tarp. Comes in a one-person version only, and comprises 10 pieces of netting and extra seams for strength. And again it has a zipper closing door. This model is its more durable because of how the seams add strength, and lighter in weight, so it would be more suitable for a summer-long hike. However, it takes more time to sew.

Ray used a Spitfire on his 2009 AT and 2010 thru-hikes, his TransAm-2010 cycling trip, and his 2013 & 2013 AT section hikes. Jenny used a Spitfire on her 2021 AT thru-hike.

Order Form: Net-Tent Spitfire  Order Your Spitfire Kit Here 
Ray used a 1P Spitfire during his TransAm cycling trip. Notice the excellent ground coverage under the 1P Tarp after a heavy rain - despite the steeper pitch to avoid the trees on either side.

A stealth camp on the AT, looking at the foot-end of the Spitfire. (The head-end of the Spitfire is higher.)

Ray designed the Spitfire specifically for his 2009 AT thru-hike, where pack-weight was critical, and space on the ground was sometimes at a premium. So the Spitfire is small and lightweight, and we're offering it in kit form expressly for serious hikers who will be in the wilds all summer, and who want to minimize their pack-weight while maximizing their protection from the bugs.

The Spitfire Kit is for one person, and comes in two sizes:

  • Size Regular = up to 5' 11"
  • Size Large = 5' 11" on up.
    The Large is 6" wider, 3" taller, and 6" longer. However, if you are more concerned about weight, order the Regular.

Note: as shown on Ray's AT Gear Video, a person simply crawls in to the Spitfire, feet first. It's too narrow for a person to turn around in, while inside. This is to save weight and bulk in the backpack.

For the casual weekend hiker we recommend our Flap-Closure Net-Tent Kit because it's much more simple and quicker to sew. However, if you have made a Ray-Way Kit or two, then you will likely find the Spitfire easy to sew also. Or if you are a beginner, and can read and follow directions to a "T", then you will likely find the Spitfire easy as well. The Spitfire is no harder to sew, but takes more time because of the additional seams. The Original Net-Tent is made up of only 5 pieces, and has no zippers. The Spitfire has 11 pieces and 3 zippers. I didn't have the zippers during my AT hike, but could have used them - since ticks have become such a hazard. So now the zippers come standard.

The Spitfire Kit has two options for the floor. You can choose our urethane nylon Spitfire floor, which I recommend for extended use, like thru-hiking. Among our color options is Urethane-Light-Gray, which will help you spot any ticks crawling around that you might have brought inside on your socks or whatever. Or to save 4.5 ounces, you can choose silicone nylon. Personally, I like the Urethane much better, but to each his or her own.

Jenny camped comfortably in difficult terrain in her Spitfire during her AT thru-hike of 2021

Contents of the Net-Tent Kit

Our Ray-Way Net-Tent Kit (all three models) comes with full sewing instructions.

The kit also contains the no-see-um netting for the roof, side walls, headwall and footwall; urethane or silicone nylon for the floor, and all the suspension lines, reinforcement material, cord locks suspension hooks, and for the Quadratic and Spitfire, three zippers.

The cord locks included with this kit (for the adjustable suspension lines) were custom made expressly for Ray-Way Products to be small and lightweight.

Not included in these kits are sewing machine, Ray-Way thread and a zipper foot for your sewing machine. You will also need a tape measure at least 15 feet long, “straight edge tool" at least 53” long or a straight board, Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker or the equivalent, adhesive tape, and few sewing notions (seam ripper, straight pins and so forth).

Before starting with this kit, please read our Sewing Tips to learn how to adjust your sewing machine to achieve a balanced stitch.


In addition to the kits, we are also selling what we consider to be the world's finest Sewing Thread. This thread is not included in our kits, but is a separate item listed on our Order Form.

Sewing Thread  Order Your Thread Here 

A 2P X-Large Quadratic Net-Tent in use during the Moto Prudhoe trip.


However, in most cases the Net-Tent would serve also as the groundsheet. So when figuring your load and adding the weight of the Net-Tent, you might subtract the weight of the groundsheet. For a small Net-Tent, the resulting increase is minimal.

Note, too, that the Net-Tent can be used as a groundsheet - with or without the tarp - when the bugs are not a problem. Simply spread it on the ground, floor side down, fold the netting on top of the floor to keep the netting clean, and lay your insulating foam pad on the netting. This gives you an additional layer under your pad, for a little more comfort and warmth. This option can be especially attractive when carrying a minimal foam pad.

For more info about this, please refer to the Tarp Book Essential.

Note that the Extra-Large 2P Quadratic Net-Tent fits under our standard size 2P tarp. But because it is quite a bit heaver and more bulky than our standard size 2P Quadratic, it is designed primarily for car or motorcycle camping where its weight and bulk are not so much of an issue.

Floor Material

We offer two types of floor material for all three models of Net-Tent (Flap-Closure, Quadratic, and Spitfire):

We recommend urethane-coated nylon. It is a bit heavier than a floor made of silicone nylon, but is a lot stronger than any silicone-nylon, it stretches less, is more durable and not as slippery against the ground. It is also more waterproof when pressed hard against the ground. (Most commercially manufactured tents come with urethane-coated floors.

Despite the small weight increase, we use a urethane floor on all our Net-Tents. However, we are still offering floors of silicone nylon for the person more intent on saving the most weight.

Note: Our urethane-coated nylon is first quality fabric only; no "seconds. This material is 1.9 ounces per square yard prior to coating; and after coating it is around 2.7 oz/yd2.

Two-person Net-Tent Quadratic on our "CA Mountains & Coast" trip

2P Quadratic on our "CA Mountains & Coast" trip

Care and Storage

The Net-Tent can be washed in a front-loading washing machine. Use our Laundry Bag for best results. Don't put it in a clothes dryer because the heat can melt the netting. Instead, simply hang it up to air dry.

Always store your camping gear (including Net-Tent) in a breathable cardboard box, and pack loosely so the material can breathe.

The plasticizers used in coated nylon or polyester must be able to breathe. This is called offgasing. If the item is stored in an air-tight plastic bag or box, or if folded or rolled too tightly, the coating can't breathe and might begin to degrade and become tacky.

Note: The tarp has no plasticizers and can be stored in a zip-lock bag.

Extra-Large Two-Person Net-Tent Quadratic used during Ray's GDRx2 trip. This photo doesn't give a very good idea of how much larger the Extra-Large Quadratic is, compared to the standard size. But the first time he used it, he found the size difference was huge.

Sewing Time

Jenny takes about four hours to make a Spitfire, and only about a third of that is the sewing.

"I ordered my Spitfire kit on October 25 and finished it on November 12. I worked on it about an hour each night. The hardest part was convincing our new kitten that I really did not need her help while laying out the fabric on the hardwood floor. The kit did go together easily after I was able to visualize what the instructions were trying to convey. Once I got the mental image and reviewed the 2 pictures on your site it was smooth sailing. It'now ready for my NFT. It weighed in at 11.7oz and 11.9oz with it's stuff bag [green polyurethane floor]. I really enjoyed sewing the netting to the floor. After turning the enclosure right side out I checked the corners. The netting seam and the floor corner seam lined up perfectly. I was very proud of that." -John G.


Historical notes

1994: The "tarp of 1987" during our third PCT thru-hike. Also shown is our first Net-Tent not sewn to the tarp. We made it during our 3-day break in the middle of our thru-hike, to block the mosquitoes in Oregon. We also sewed lifter tabs to the tarp.
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