Powered by Ray's "raptor_engine, ver 5" written and scripted by R. Jardine
Send Us Your Questions or Comments
A big thanks to one and all!
"My wife and I put together a Tarp and Net-Tent last year and have been loving it. Finally, no condensation here in the Deep South where it is ALWAYS humid. We are putting together another order." - Matthew H.
"I see you are writing new books! I’m very excited to read them. Your style of adventuring together has been a HUGE inspiration in my life. And a happy 40 years together. Oh, also I rowed from Catalina to Long Beach finally! You were the first one I heard of to kayak the San Pedro channel years ago. Finally checked that one off too! So fun! Stay safe and always thinking of you guys. Thanks for everything!" -James G.
"Your kits bring a sense of satisfaction that one doesn't get from buying gear! I know you care about others' experiences, so thank you from the bottom of my heart." -Elleyne B.
"Just finished the first two quilts, boy is that fun. My son had a few friends over while I was sewing and he was bragging about his dad sewing and about how lightweight his gear is. What fun to see the look on the boys faces when they saw a dad sitting at a sewing machine. The quilts are awesome and so much better than the pictures elude to. The construction is excellent (as with all your kits) and the instructions are easy to follow. I just ordered more thread because with one backpack, a tarp, 2 quilts, (so far) 3 quilt and stowbags, and other ditty bags and many other little repairs and projects, I finally need more." -Geoff G.
"Looking forward to another Ray-Way pack. My last one was with me thru the PCT 15, 1/2 CDT (Waterton to Winter Park), OKT in Hungary, Wonderland 16, and the CT 17. Lots of good miles." -Nicholas R.
"I'm sending photos of my final products: Ray-Way Quilt and backpack. Love them!!" -LaRon R. Jenny: Great job - those Ray-Way kits look fantastic. You are sewing full steam ahead! -Jenny
"I have just completed my backpack after making a quilt and a stowbag for the quilt plus a knife. I still have a tarp to put together. I really enjoyed making my backpack. As soon as I was done I loaded it with all the gear that I could find, and found that even with the quilt and a bunch of stuff that it weighs less than my old pack did empty!" -Eric S.
"Trail Life has now been read twice and sports a forest of Post-It Notes for future reference. It's remarkable. Your your writing style is so approachable, which makes the sheer amount of information sink in much better. Kudos" -Guy M.
"I've been a fan of your adventure philosophy for many years and have bought all your books. Now I'm looking at your blood cleaner." -Ed B
"My sewing is going along extremely well. Now I look back and realize my fear of sewing was only what you call *lack of familiarity*. I sure am glad I'm a little more familiar now. Sewing is fun, and your Ray-Way kits are pure magic! Everything falls into place beautifully, one stitch at a time. Thank you Ray and Jenny, your teachings are truly priceless." Will L.
"Congrats Jenny for completing your AT in 2021. I made and use a Ray-Way backpack, and I also have a (God thank) copy of Trail Life and read in it frequently. I sometimes just take a part and re-read it. Best from Belgium." -Steven V.
"Wow, your new knife kit that I received today is really over the top! Your other blades were excellent and I made quite a number of beautiful functional knives with them. Your new blade is what I consider the optimum in shape, finish, grind, thickness, quality and overall design. It is exceptionally sharp right out of the box and after a run through the Ray-Way sharpening method I am positive that it will have no equal." - Fred E.
"I recently made the tarp, net-tent, and quilt. I'm working on 2 insulated hats. I really enjoyed working with the nice materials and the well thought-out designs." Gail H.
"I am enjoying making my 2800 cu in. Backpack." -Anthony J.
"Our first Quilt (and also first ever sewing project) only took a weekend to complete--GREAT INSTRUCTIONS, thanks." -Blue & Nika M.
"I want to thank you for setting me down the road of lightweight backpacking--I have gotten out more, and further, since reading "Trail Life" than ever before, thanks to the Ray-Way. The tarp performs fantastically. I am now working on a 2-person quilt kit." -Greg P.
"I received the shipments, and this weekend began on the tarp! This is my first sewing project, and I'm excited to dive in. Thank you so much, this is a lot of fun already!" -Isaac S.
"This is our first sewing project, and we are having a lot of fun with it." Larissa G.
"Dear Ray, I'm the digital editor for Alpinist magazine and I am writing a feature story about Yosemite for Issue 76. We are in the fact-checking stages for the magazine. Can you please confirm or correct the following information, and tell me if the description pasted immediately below is accurate?" -Derek F.
"I placed another order today, after deciding to make all new gear this winter. My last Ray-Way pack (made 5 years ago) is still going, but torn. My tarp was made from your kit 9 years ago and is still serviceable, but is finally showing signs of sun damage. This is on gear that receives a lot of use each summer. Not bad for the price! I still feel your kits are the best thing going in backpacking equipment. I see so much cuben fiber now on the PCT and have seen a lot of fabric failures due to its use. Glad to see you are not caught up in the hype on that. Anyway, I want to thank you for offering these kits. I can't see how you are making any money on them, but your ideas and techniques have had a huge influence on not only my hiking but also my life." - Scott Williamson
"On the hundred mile wilderness, Maine AT, I carried my 2800 Ray-Way pack plus tarp, spitfire, and quilt (and plenty of food :). I am really proud of how beautifully the kits came out. But more importantly they made my successful completion of hike possible. I love the feeling of freedom your light weight kits have given me. I also love how the system allows me to go from hiking to camping in minutes. The simplicity of Ray's roving hitch really makes setting up the tarp a breeze. The illustrated guide to pitching the tarp in the TBE has really improved my pitching skills. I feel confident in my ability to complete longer treks." - John B.
"Hey guys, Just wanted to say that I very much enjoy my Ray-Way Tarp. I've used a lot of products and have the ability to purchase most products at a discount. However, I'd rather use the tarp in most cases. Simplicity is elegance. Solid work on your product design. I want to put together a Net-Tent as well, so my wife and I will be sewing that up." John W., UT
"I am reading your book, Trail Life, and I am so intrigued and excited! We want a backpack that we can use for all types of hiking and after much looking and comparing we came back to your website and without a doubt know we will be forever happy with making one ourselves with your kit!" -Margie G.
"Made a quilt last fall, it is fantastic!! Can't wait to make the Tarp (ordered today). Thank you so much!" Matt L.
"My dog, Mickey and I were hiking the Samish Overlook trail. I had your 2200 pack that I made. As I was walking, I was thinking about how much you and your husband have influenced the hiking community. I was also lamenting that it seems that some of the cottage industries have taken your intellectual property without giving proper acknowledgement to the source. Gotta hate intellectual property theft. And, one last thing, Jenny...even though you are the quiet partner, you are truly a bad-assed woman and an inspiration." -Catherine D.
"I used your tarp during a month this summer, in Scotland, and it was amazing! It is so much better than a tent. I was more connected with the nature (well, I had no Net, so I slept with spiders, snails and slugs!), it was a great experience. But now I want to order a net-tent, cause I'm going to explore the world during the next 2 years" - Elsa C., France
"I've bought a few quilts and tarp kits from you over the years and they changed the way I hike and camp." -Kane L., Montreal QC
"I ordered your tarp kit and everything went great. You provide very detailed, yet easy to follow instructions. I also ordered your Atlantic Caper video, which I enjoyed very much. I'm glad you added the skydiving footage at the end...very cool." Calvin H., Ohio
"I just wanted to let you know how impressed my wife and I continue to be with the versatility and functionality of our single layer Alpine 2-person quilt. We easily cover temps to 45 without adding more than a thin hat to our shorts and hiking shirts, impressive for a single layer of 3/4" insulation. Yet we don't get too hot at 75. Sharing body heat is a massive plus; it's amazing how much less insulation this allows us to get away with. The Gorget ensures a lovely warmth-snaring drape. It's amazing how much warmth is felt the second the Draft Stopper is tucked under our bodies and between our necks. The split zip makes it feel nearly weightless in our pack. We love all our Ray Way gear, but the quilt is really my favorite! Thanks for taking the time to refine this lovely piece of gear and make it so accessible through your kits." Kerry, MI
"Just ordered Trail Life book and the Tarp Book Essential. Cannot wait to read them. Thank you so much!" -Martha D.
"We have placed two orders for a trip to north Sweden, laponia. We have heard and read enough about your kits to be absolutely unconcerned about the high quality. Thank you so much for the opportunity to order such great stuff. We are completely amazed by your business." - Eddie and Helene P., Germany
"I had zero experience with a sewing machine, but making your backpack was a thoroughly enjoyable journey. It was time consuming, but worth it. Can't wait to try it out! Thank you so much!" -Kayla E.
"Thanks for making the kits available--we were in the process of locating and pricing the materials ourselves, but yours are actually cheaper by far, and we live near a sizeable outdoor fabric retailer." Trent H.
"I have made your tarp (x2), net-tent (x2), quilt (x2), insulated hat (x4) and will order a couple of backpack kits very soon. I have gotten addicted to making my own gear." Matthew L., NZ
"I made a backpack kit and it is now my pack of choice! I took it on the 270 mile Pennine Way in the UK and it performed very well." Geoff G., UK
"I'm just delighted to have discovered that you're still on the web. Thank you so much for all your work in the backpacking world. Even though I don't have any of your gear (yet), it's clear that the light weight gear I currently own wouldn't even exist if you hadn't pushed the world into lighter weight gear. So thanks again for your work!" -Carol D.
"I enjoyed making your tarp, batwing, net-tent, stowbag, sleeping quilt and backpack very much! My fabulus 260 gram light backpack was pretty easy after making all the other stuff :-) I love it!!" Bianca H., Germany
"I really enjoyed making and using my new backpack. I plan on starting my quilt tomorrow and hope to order a tarp and quadratic in the next two weeks." -David F
"We just completed the PCT using your tarp, quilt and backpack. This was the first time we had really camped with a tarp and found it to be so versatile and simple. We used it in all kinds of weather and situations and every time it was put to the test, it passed with flying colours. The aspects of its simplicity, effectiveness, versatility and weight have halted any desires I have to search for the perfect shelter, as I think it is pretty close. We were so happy with it. This was also the first time we had used the quilts. Like the tarp, it did not cease to impress. At one camp, near Forrester Pass, we endured a significant dumping of snow and temperatures into the single digits (Fahrenheit). Aside from our solidly frozen shoes, we remained quite comfortably warm. The well thought-out design for the backpack was excellent. The pockets were great, directions on packing it from the AT video were excellent. You would probably be disgusted by how much food weight your poor little bags had to endure but they definitely stood up to whatever challenge we could throw at them, although there were a few patched and unpatched holes by the end. We would both like to send you guys are heart felt thanks as the gear was amazing." Ben D. and Kate M., Australia
"My 2nd alpine quilt is finally coming to its end of life, so I've bought my third quilt kit to sew." -Curtis W.
"I just finished reading your story of sailing around the world. What an amazing adventure! Thank you for sharing. I also just finished sewing my first Ray-Way quilt. I am excited to try it out this season." -Dylan G.
"I cannot wait to get started on my kits!!!!" -Andy N.
"I have ordered eight backpacks for gifts and extras for if friends go hiking with me. Am ordering four more now. Thanks so much for the ideas and kits, Ray and Jenny!" -Paul W.
"Ray and Jenny: I am a longtime fan. I’ve sewn multiple tarp and quilt kits and a backpack kit and love them all. Yall design some great gear and great kits!" -Ryan I.
"I have made your two person tarp, net and insulated hat and have found them to be excellent for use in the Australian climate. It gives a real sense of satisfaction to know that you made it yourself and results in no end of questions from fellow bushwalkers. They all want to know where it came from and how good it is. In Australia we don't have the range of materials available to us from local suppliers and your kits make it possible to get the best and lightest at a sensible price. Thanks for making my walking so much more enjoyable." Duncan C.
"I decided to try to assemble your deluxe quilt kit on a long weekend. By the second night I was sleeping under it! (Quite comfy, by the way.) The directions were clear, the materials outstanding, and the work involved was not that difficult, despite tri-focals and an el-cheapo sewing machine. I want to thank you for making this wonderful project possible. I am literally a happy camper!!" -Greg D.
"I am finishing up the Ray-Way backpack and I love it! I may make another for fun, now that I know how to sew. But first I am going to move to the quilt." -Steph C.
"Hey Ray and Jenny! Just ordered the tarp and net kits for my PCT thru hike this year! Couldn't go wrong with your products, I've heard nothing but praise!" -Mark D.
"If you will indulge me for a bit, I can't express how much you and Ray have changed/influenced our backpacking. We bought your book Trail Life, sewed our own gear including the tarp (still the best shelter ever), sewed other misc. gear and have been enjoying our backpacking trips more than ever. We apply the techniques to other parts of our life as well. We can't thank you enough for sharing your experiences and skills with everyone including us. We enjoy our time in the back country more than ever and your influence is a big part of that. ps. It's been some time since we have ordered anything because the Ray-Way gear we have made has been bomb proof! But now we are resupplying for another "sewing weekend" with new Ray-Way gear!" -Greg and Lourdes S.
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world!" -Jason B
"I took up backpacking but didn't get very far because I was not strong enough to carry all the recommended gear. But adopting your gear with the training I'm doing now, I'm looking forward to a lot of fun backpacking this summer. I'm loving my just completed quilt and am working on my tarp and spitfire. Thank you for your kindness in sharing your experiences and your encouraging attitude." Kristin B., VT
"I just want to thank you for all the knowledge you've imparted for a great cause. Not only innovative and inspiring but also well written. You have changed my life. I sewed a Ray-way tarp and I'm hoping to use it on the AT this summer." Paul E., MN
"I have wanted to buy the Backpack Kit for years now and finally bought a sewing machine to make it happen! Thank you so much" -Nigel G
"Just a quick note to let you know I received the shell pants kit today and am looking forward to some serious sewing! Thank you for sending the package out so quickly." -Carol R.
"Thank you for inspiration and providing a method for a 62 y.o. retired guy to even think and plan an AT adventure." -Jim C.
"Here's why I love my Ray-Way tarp and net-tent (not to mention my Ray-Way quilts and backpacks...): For "fun" this past weekend, I reverted to an old tarptent from an established small manufacturer of light backpacking shelters, a shelter I had from the days before I made all my Ray-Way gear. I'd forgotten how vastly superior the Ray-Way tarp and net-tent are to the older shelter. Because the old tarptent has only one configuration, there was no way to pitch the roof high enough to prevent extremely heavy condensation on the underside of the shelter. While it didn't rain outside, it certainly did inside. I've never had this happen anywhere near this extent in my Ray-Way setup, and, when there is some condensation under my Ray Way tarp, I know I just didn't pitch high enough for conditions. I won't be making that mistake again, and, really, I knew better in the first place. It's time to make stuff-sacks from the commercial tarp tent. Thanks for having made Ray-Way available. It's truly great stuff!" - Kerry R.
"I just finished up sewing my 3rd ray-way backpack last night, and I've been thoroughly pleased with the packs. I'll be sewing a couple more quilts in the next couple of days, along with another stowbag. Thanks again for the kits and the prompt service! Nothing but praise so far!" Paul W.
"I watched the backpack making DVD. WOW!, great job, it is really clear, easy to follow and professionally done. I also finished my knife and sheath and am very pleased with how it came out. The steel in these blades seems to be particularly good" -Richard M.
"Set to work on the Ray-Way pack as soon as it arrived and managed to finish it in just over 24 hours! The instructions were incredibly detailed and the video helped when I needed a little extra clarification. Had the opportunity to take it for a 4 day trip on the Foothills trail in SC/NC and it performed amazingly well, my shoulders never tired even with a initial pack weight of 21lbs and my hips really appreciated the extra range of movement. Just ordered the tarp kit, excited to have a shelter that won't wear out so fast! Thanks so much" -Michael C.
"I so much look forward to sewing and using these kits! Thank you SO much for the inspiration...I used to be a gearhead junkie..poring through the latest catalogs for the newest and best...you guys have given me the inspiration and the confidence to do it myself..cheaper and better! Thank You!!!" James P.
"I'm ordering more Trail Life books to give to friends...appreciate your sharing your trail-learned knowledge...I'm incorporating more of it all the time. Your Trail Life book is a great value." - M. Feltis
"Would love to meet you two but understand privacy. Highest respect!" -David M.
"I have made your backpack, tarp and net tent, 2 sleeping quilts, several stuff sacks, sleeping hat, 2 insulated hats, trail life, the tarp book; I love them all. I just ordered the shell pants and shorts. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge. You have really helped me." -Frank A.
"I wanted to let you know that I am forever grateful for what you have done for me, and always feel blessed that because of you and your Blood Cleaner my life was saved! Don't see doctors. On no medications (since meeting you). Sleeping really awesome which is unbelievable! I would have never dreamed of sleeping the way I do without a sleeping pill and being on it for 17 years it's just amazing! All because of you!" -Sherry Bella, 2022
"Am enjoying making this Quilt. It is going to a grandson in West Point! Back to number eight!!" -Sharon H.
"Hi Jenny, Back when I went around all five of the great lakes on a bicycle (2003 - 2007) sometimes people would surprise me with a meal. Any chance I can send a small donation your direction so during your hike you can treat yourself a little bit? Have a wonderful trek. Hopefully at some point you will find an opportunity to treat yourself!" -Jamie N., ONT Canada [Jamie Noble placed a Ray-Way order then also sent Jenny an extra trail magic $50 for her AT hike. Jenny replies: I received the Trail Magic - thanks so much!!!]
"I'm 33 years old and grew up in California and am a huge fan of your books. It was your Beyond Backpacking that gave me the knowledge, inspiration and confidence to do two thru-hikes, including the PCT and Arizona Trail. Thank you so much." -Daniel D.
"We are very happy with the practicality and performance of our 2 Ray-Way backpacks, 2 quilts, tarp, net tent and batwing." -Adrian, UK
"I am really enjoying the process of building your kits. So far I have finished my first quilt and stuff bag. They are beautiful and I can't wait to try it out in two weeks on the Tamarak Trail. Thank you so much for your guidance and your very useful information." -Frank A., NY
"Just placed an order and can't wait to get sewing!" -Michael C.
"Big fan of your books and the Ray-Way hiking products. Ive completed two of the Ray-Way tarp kits and just ordered the stow bags and shell pants kit. You guys are the best!" - Dan D.
"I bought a copy of the PCT Hiker Handbook back in the 90s. What an impression it made on this novice backpacker! Now that I'm retired, I'm excited to finally get around to some Ray-Way kits." -Dave P.
"Hi Its Quilt Addic Fred, This Will be my 3rd quilt with you. Thanks a million. The quilts that I have already made are all that I now use to sleep in!" -Fred W.
"Hello from New Zealand. I love your products!" -Nathan H.
"Since making my 2200 in3 backpack last year, I have used it and LOVE it. The weight of the pack alone is so much better than my old packs that every time I take it out it makes me SMILE! I just ordered my quilt kit and will have that ready to go. Thanks for making wonderful projects and sharing such wonderful ideas with all of us." Isabel T., CO
"I've been sewing up a storm with all the stay at home time. I'm looking forward to using all my new Ray-Way gear later this year." -Mark P.
"I have a backpack I made from your kit and instructions (as well as a tarp and quilt) and I love them!" Tucker L., OH
"I just returned from a trip along the JMT and my Ray-Way tarp worked fantastic! There was quite a bit of rain, thunder, lightning and hail but the tarp took it all in stride. My Ray-Way quilt also worked great!" -Darren O.
"I have made 3 of your backpacks, 2 quilts, a tarp and a two-person net-tent. They are great!" -Mary E.
"Thanks for the quick and helpful response. Can’t wait to dig into all of it! (Trail Life, Tarp Book Essential, and AT Gear Video) Much appreciated." -Dodge
"Just ordered a couple more books. Love giving them away." - Craig C.
"I've made several of your kits. Really like them!" -Brad J.
"I bought two Blood Cleaners, one as a spare. My lyme seems to be a non-issue now and I look forward to it always being that way. Thank you for helping to get me through it so fast. I feel very fortunate." -Angela A.
"I like my Ray-Way tarp. It is so very light yet so very effective." -Richard C.
"Your Trail Life book was a cornerstone in helping my family complete our first backpacking trip, the JMT. Also, the one-person quilt with 2 layers of alpine insulation was a sensation. We swapped quilts throughout the trip and found that the Ray-Way quilt was a great deal warmer than the 20 degree down quilt of equal loft." -Sam J, KY
"I just ordered a Backpack Kit. This will be my first time time making gear and I'm excited to start sewing!" -Sara J.
"Ray, I hear your voice in your words as clearly as I did over 50 years ago. What are years when our minds preserve memories so presently and clearly? I hope you and Jenny are well, still finding adventure in any of its forms." -Chard D.
"My son and I took our Ray-Way tarps to Philmont this year and they were awesome, rain, hail, wind, always dry and what views the entire trek. We use them all year here in MN and wherever we go. It is amazing to see how much better they work than tents, especially for eliminating condensation and we love the open view. Thanks for the awesome design, complete kits and quality materials!" - Ken D., MN
"I just finished my AT thru hike and I am so glad I took the time to read "Trail Life" and make my backpack, quilt, and tarp with your instructions. This was my first backpacking trip ever and I left for it feeling prepared for anything with my 12lb base weight, and I truly enjoyed the whole experience. Thank you!!!" - Elisa Brown
"I just completed my shell pants and shorts kits. They both fit very well, and I enjoyed making them. Both fit comfortably loose, but not too loose, with adequate material for movement and sitting/squatting/kneeling in various positions on the ground. I REALLY like the fit and feel. I really enjoyed not having to cut the fabric to a pattern. Thanks for putting these kits out there. I really enjoyed them! I'll probably be making a set for my wife, too, and I'm actually pretty excited about the Sleeping Hat Kits. I like the idea of keeping my face cozy by breathing through the fabric. Thanks for all your work. My backpacking experience would be far less fulfilling without your books and kits. They've been very formative for me, on a lot of levels." - Kerry R., MI
"I will thank you for this wonderful backpack! I came back from my first trip with it, and I fell in love with it! So light, comfortable and nice." -Thamar K., Netherlands
"I have have been using the Ray-Way Blood Cleaner for four years, and it's made an important addition to my health and well being. I have had various issues over the years, and BC seems to do the trick every time. I have really enjoyed experimenting with this device." -Andrew F., CA
"It really never occurred to me that it could be comfortable and better for the body to hike without a hip belt. Thanks for all the inspiration to dare sew our backpacks ourselves!" -Rebecca B.
"I bought your Ray-Way tarp, net tent and sleeping quilt three years ago. I made the sleeping quilt and have used it every time I hike (Stewart Island, Milford Track, Kepler Track, Clarence river rafting, Heaphy Track, etc. I love the quilt!!!!) I have recommended the quilt to lots of people in NZ, and now my husband wants to use the Tarp I made to do the Tour Aotearoa Brevet." -Meg G., New Zealand
"Now that my son has outgrown the pack I made for him almost 2 years ago, he's sewing a bigger one. I'm sewing a higher capacity one for myself at the same time, so we are going step by step together. This is his second sewing project, having started learning on a quilt stowbag. We're going slowly, and we're very thankful for the excellent instructions you guys have developed. Thanks Ray and Jenny." Mike W., CA
"Ray, I Just found a picture of you and me, taken not far from Telluride. We traversed an ice field where you fell through. I was fortunate enough to help pull you out, and I got close enough to see all that darkness beneath. I think of you often, Ray. You changed my life. I hope we’ll get a chance to meet up before too long. All my very best to you and Jenny." -Chard D.
"I have purchased many of your kits and have been exceptionally pleased with them." -Scot F.
"Thank you so much for all you do. This will be my third tarp kit along with a bomber hat, knife kit, double quilt and double net tent I have made. For someone previously scared of a sewing machine it's quite something and would not have been impossible without your encouragement and kits." -Edward W., UK
"I ordered and completed your tarp kit and am excited to try your other products! Now I'm ordering a backpack kit" -Garrett S.
"I truly believe your Blood Cleaner has helped me." -Cheri Y., Panama
"I work at backpacking equipment shop and despite the fact that it's somewhat of a conflict business-wise, I am not hesitant to recommend Ray-Way products as a source of superior gear." Jeff D.
"I just finished making the backpack and was really amazed with the end result. I am a crummy seamstress but my backpack looks amazing! Seriously, I am so happy with it and excited to try it out on the trail. Now I am ordering the net tent and tarp." - Elizabeth H., OR
"I am interested in long-distance hiking. I am very impressed by your life style and experience. I especially value your hints and advice not to conquer mother Earth but to somehow immerse. Which leads me to my question: Is it possible to immerse in or to deeply connect with mother Earth (like you describe in the documentation "Wilderness Walks") on prominent long distance trails (like AT, PCT and so) or it's not as these trails are too crowded?" -Dr. Stephan R., Germany [Ray replies: Yes, it is entirely possible. These trails cover vast expanses, so the hikers tend to be spread out. So while hiking hour after hour, you may not see too many people. And the connection happens in your mind, and can happen anywhere if your mind is open for it.]
"I've enjoyed making your kits: seven backpacks, four tarps, two bat wings, and three quilts, so far." - Craig H.
"My wife and I love our two person Ray-Way Tarp and two person Net-Tent and our two person sleeping Quilt. We have used them extensively over the years including a trans am on our tandem bike and other adventures." - Gordon C.
"Gena and I just finished the JMT and had a wonderful trip. Wow, those mountains are breathtaking! Well, I stayed up late before our departure but completed the two person quilt and it was clutch. Most nights above 10,000 we awoke to frost on our quilt, but we were toasty warm underneath. Absolutely superb design and function. James G., CA
"We just finished our tarp (and are just starting the quilt). I cannot imagine sleeping under anything else now. What a tremendous feeling having made my own equipment. Thank you so much sharing your designs and whole new way of looking at things. Or should I say old way of looking at things. Not many years ago our parents and grandparents made everything they used, now everyone buys the things they use and somehow are never satisfied, and thus are depressed and taking pills and the drug conglomerates are getting rich, people are getting more depressed and so it goes. I have never been more satisfied with a piece of equipment. Because, I made it myself and that is satisfying, which is the antithesis of depression. Thanks again." Bruce R.
"Hello Ray, Jenny! I'm currently putting together several of your kits (I've finished the Quilt, Tarp and I'm about halfway through the Backpack), I can't stress enough how awesome the projects are. I've really gotten to enjoy sewing, and am extremely proud of the projects I've finished. Another bonus is that the instructions are so well thought out and detailed that you're practically given no room to mess up :) I've found that any delays in sewing were due to me not having read them carefully enough, thus spending time with the seam ripper :) And, the triple and quadruple stitching on the backpack shoulder straps almost made me feel like I was putting together a parachute harness! :)" Dan D., Prague, Czech Republic
"Ray-Way gear is hands-down the best gear a wilderness traveler can carry." - James G.
"I'm so proud of what I accomplish with the Ray-Way projects. I'm learning a lot, sewing them. Sometimes I get so excited that I get hasty and make an error, but all-in-all, it's been a great ride." -Casey A.
"I like my Ray-Way tarp. It is so light yet so very effective. Now I'm working on the pack." -Rick C.
"I'm thrilled with the hiking shorts and shell pants kits. I found the instructions easy to follow, especially having sewn your other kits (backpacks, tarp, net tent, quilt). We are starting on the PCT full of anticipation! We appreciate so much all that we have learned from reading and re-reading Trail Life, and from learning how to make and adapt our own gear." - Catherine O., BC
"I'm extremely grateful for your efforts and that you're sharing this Blood Cleaner technology." -Conall M.
"My son has made several of your kits, and wanted to buy more for his family. He is a professor in Bellingham, WA. We used to hike and read your books a long time ago, and it rubbed off on him, lol." -Katherine S.
"I have been an admirer and customer of yours for nearly 20 years. Ray and Jenny, you have been a huge impact on my life." - Eric C.
"Thank you Ray and Jenny, for your amazing customer service." -Jake J.
"The make it yourself style you two describe on your website has inspired me. I’ve been bothered by today’s consumerism and the writing on your website struck a chord in me. And I have to thank you, Ray, cams have been saving my friends lives and my life for a while now. Your design started it all. Thank you for the curiosity and drive to find better solutions." -Devon M.
"Thanks for the great products. I've really come to trust your equipment." Thomas C.
"I finished my knife and sheath, as usual the components in the kit and instructions are of the highest quality. I was surprised how pliable the leather is when wet allowing a custom fit to the knife handle. The knife and sheath came out great. Keep up the good work providing motivation and inspiration." Charles P., CA
"Just got my first Ray-Way kits together (Quilt and Hat) and must say, congratulations for instructions and material! Great job! Compared to a project I finished a year ago (another brand anorak), your instructions were much, much clearer and easier to follow!" - Urs G., Switzerland
"Thank you so much Jenny and Ray, for assembling and shipping my new life on the trail! Your life of exciting adventure breathes vigor to my dreams." - Chris H.
"Just finished my 2P splitzip Quilt, and tested it out in the Tetons/Yellowstone! I'd gone with the woodland insulation for an up-and-coming bike trip, but my wife and I slept TOASTY-warm even though the night temperatures in Wyoming's monstrous mountains were far from the recommended temperature rating! I attribute this to wonderful cuddling feature of the quilt, and your aforementioned advice on wearing warmer clothes to sleep in. Even though some of my stitches mighta' zigged and zagged, the quilt looks and works great! It was my first sewing project, and I could see my proficiency improving with every step along the quilt's instructions. Can't wait to make another "prettier" version come my next adventure! Thanks for all your help, advice and ideas!" Brent L.
"Just took my tarp and quilt to Patagonia, spending 4 nights in Torres del Paine National Park in every kind of weather. While some friends had traditional tents/sleeping bags and spent a few nights awake due to being wet and cold, I stayed warm and dry and could not have been more proud of my handwork and your awesome products. I have struggled to find the same connection to the outdoors that my husband naturally has but these Ray-Way items are the beginning of a beautiful friendship." -Catherine T., UT
"I'm using the Apocalytic Blood Cleaner right now as I bang on these keys. First observations are that the hardware is both streamlined yet far more robust. Also, the actual electric charge feels different, it's more of a harmonious wave. Thanks for all of your hard work on this and I look forward to experimenting with the latest and greatest BC model!" -Andrew F.
"Thank you very much for these sewing kits--they're awesome!!!" Trent H.
"It's been a few years since I've tried to sew anything, so I like the step-by-step of the quilt instructions you included. The quilt kit and instructions are excellent. " -Helen A., WA
"I've been a devotee of Ray-Way hiking since I read Beyond Backpacking in about 1999. A few years ago I ordered and sewed a two-person tarp, and I've used it on Outward Bound trips in Colorado these last two summers. It has worked really well! The tarp has even sheltered three people on two courses; I know it's not designed for that, but we were all fairly short, and didn't mind scooting close together when it rained. Thank you for the high quality kit, and for the inspiration over the years!" Priscilla H., CO
"I have a Ray-Way tarp and it's as good as the backpack. I am happy to have found your products. It is inspiring what is possible, when everything unnecessary is left off. Please stay in business for a while." -Eduard M., Germany
"I have been making some gear from your kits, mostly for the kids. I've completed the tarp and am almost done with one pack. The kids have been helping. It has been so much fun!" -Ken H.
"My husband and I have used the Blood Cleaner for over a year now and have testimonies to its effectiveness. I keep referring people to get their own." -Jill H.
"It was a lot of fun sewing up my Ray-Way Jarred H. I learned a lot. Thanks for offering it. My new favorite pack for most trips. Those thick shoulder straps are the best." -Jarred H.
"Hope y’all don’t mind my sewing for others." -Craig H. Ray replies: Hi Craig, No, we don't mind, at all. It actually helps us out, indirectly, because more people can enjoy our finished products. So, thank you, we appreciate it. -Ray and Jenny
"It has been extremely rewarding making my Ray-Way tarp and quilt on my own and can't wait to use them this summer!" -Jason T., MD
"Just dropping you a note about how pleased I am with the tarp I made from your kit. We took a group of scouts to Mt. Whitney this summer and it held up well through many days of rain keeping us warm and dry. One evening it blew especially hard, but the tarp stood firm. The other scouts and leaders were impressed as well (but not as comfortable in their domes)." Greg Z.
"We're having a great time on the A.T. using your gear and system and have met a number of others doing the same." -Ben and Lauren T.
"I LOVE my Ray-Way quilt and have ordered another quilt kit for my sis for Christmas." -Deborah H.
"We are newbies to hiking and look forward to your informational books. Thank You for writing them!" -James B.
"I have made a tarp, quilt, stowbag, and storage bag. They came out great!" Brian K., WY
"The careful explanations and innovative approach of your "Sharpening The Ray-Way Knife" are wonderful and much appreciated." - Karl K., NC
"The quilt kit just arrived and I've already sewn it together and slept in it in my back yard. I woke up and thought I would check the temperature and I was blown away to find out that it had dropped to 37F overnight. The quilt kept me absolutely toasty the whole night, even below the rated temperature and all I was wearing was a t-shirt and cotton pants. I had a blast making it and it weighs 1lb 9oz. Thank you so much for this great product." Tom C.
"This will be my nineth quilt." -Don R.
"Hi Ray, I’m a writer with Backpacker Magazine, and I’m working on a feature for our very last print issue (heartbreaking, I know). We’re doing a roundup of some of the most influential gear of all time. I was wondering if you have an old sample backpack we could photograph, or maybe a high-resolution photo? Thanks so much!" - Corey B.
"I really enjoyed making my tarp, net tent, and sleeping quilt. I've been rereading Trail Life and the Tarp Book Essential as well. Thank you for making sewing so easy and fun. I'll be working next on my warm hat kit, and then the backpack! I plan to be on the High Sierra Trail this July. Thank you!" - Aika M., CA
"I've made many of your products and was very happy with them during my month on the AT." -Ruth M.
"I ordered some kits because I just wanted to work on them over the winter. Thanks for your great products!" -David B.
"I sewed the shell pants last night and they turned out great. Once again, you have produced an excellent kit with top notch directions and materials." -Scott C.
"Dear Ray, I am reaching out to say hello. You and I did a bit of climbing in Yosemite and you made a lasting and profound difference in my life. Thank you for taking me under your wing, however briefly." -Jeff A.
"I spent the last two weekends in a row completing a tarp and quilt, and It has been an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience. I can't wait to test this equipment in the Sierra this summer. Thank you!" Dylan B.
"I have been using my Blood Cleaner for over a month with great results. As a trail runner I'd like thank you for developing a tool of this nature and selling it for such a reasonable price. And thanks for writing about your adventures, I love reading about them and find the travelogues to be inspirational and educational." -Andrew F., CA
"I have been an ultra light hiker for years and have purchased many of your kits. I would like to thank you for all of your time and expertise. I have been exceptionally pleased with them." -Scot F.
"I completed my quilt last month. It turned out great! Just ordered 2 more. One for my son, and one for my son in law. I also ordered the tarp book, so that will be my next project! Thank you!" Will N., NZ
"Thank you so much for your contribution to society Jenny and Ray. I believe in your products inspired by a very good friend from Nederland which is been following you for and used your products for over 20 years now. I wish you a wonderful day, weekend and life! See you on the mountains sometimes!" -Marius A., Norway
"I made a order back in August and have been slowly working through all the kits. The instructions are great and very clear! I am placing another order for more Ray-Way kits. Thank you!" -David T
"I love my Woodland quilt! And now I am ready to tackle a two-person quilt." -Stefanie K.
"Thank you for being an inspiration to me since I was 13 years old. Beyond backing was the first book I read cover to cover. I love the book!" -John W.
"I am exposed to heavy corona virus load in the hospital, and am using the Ray-Way Blood Cleaner as an added precaution." -Dr. W. Sean C. MD: Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology.
"Our ($800) order is large because we figured we might as well just jump into the Ray-way with both feet. It is perhaps a bit rash to order everything at once, but we've read through your website thoroughly and from what we've read, to use the Ray-way backpacks we need to pare down our shelter and sleeping bags, so we want to go ahead with the whole deal and try it out as it was meant to be used. I don't anticipate any trouble with the sewing. And your testimonials are numerous and highly positive, so we are pretty confident! We're looking forward to getting started on the sewing and to using our new lightweight gear on the next adventure!" -Catherine & Dan 0., BC
"Hey Ray and Jenny, Just got back from a great weekend hiking in the Buffalo River area with my scouts. Got into a freak windstorm with winds in excess of 50 mph. Lots of tents went down, but my Ray-Way Tarp pitched low didn't have any problems, and later with one side pitched high, comfortably sat 8 wet scouts and leaders along with one grumpy Ray-Way Tarp owner (myself). I told them this could have been avoided if they would get there own tarps! Thanks again for a great design and materials." Curtis W., Missouri
"I just finished a week hiking in the Sedona AZ area. My Ray-Way gear worked great. I have always loved to backpack, and now I use only my home-made Ray-Way gear and I love it. I first bought all the Long Option Kits. but I just ordered all new kits without the Long Option. So I will have a choice which size gear I will use, whether hiking and camping solo or with someone else." -Peter H., HoneyBee Rescue, San Diego, CA
"Yesterday I finished the backpack kit. Today I decided backpacking is more important to me than freshly painted walls. I’m working on gearing up my kids now (ages 7 and 13), hence this latest order" -Sunny E.
"I made Ray-Way quilt, tarp, and spitfire and used them on my 2010 AT thru hike, and loved how they performed! Thanks soo much for offering these kits!" -Jason T.
"I'm sure you get this all of the time, but I just adore you guys. Not only because of the amazing things you do or the awesome advice you give, but because you do all of these adventures together. If I could pick any two people in the world to meet, it would be you. May you have many more adventures to come!" C. P.
"Hey guys! Just wanted to say I am a huge fan! I am looking to order some stuff to Ottawa, Ontario. I would love to use some of your products as I hike the West Coast trail and other things during the summer." -Frank H., Ontario
"My wife and I have been using the apocalyptic Blood Cleaner almost daily, and really like it. We feel like our allergies are much better, we never get colds anymore, and my wife rarely gets UTI's anymore so we are believers in the BC. We ordered two more, and will continue to buy these even if they do break, we feel like we get good use out of them for the price. We appreciate the time and effort you put in to bring us quality products. I don't think we will ever wear out our hiking gear we have sown from your kits." -Brian K.
"I just finished up a thru-hike on the A.T. using your philosophy and sewing kits extensively. 2183.7 miles (includes the approach trail) in 88 days. Thank you two so much for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and sewing instructions with a backpacking novice like me." Paul W.
"We love all our Ray-Way gear!" -Brian K.
"I started the Blood Cleaner 4 weeks ago and I have noticed a Huge improvement in my health. And I look forward to getting so much better! Iam feeling this is all too good to be true! but I honestly can say...I was a person very near death and suffered like there was no tomorrow. Iam more than happy to be you and Jenny's Customer, you two are saving my life!! Thank you!!" - Sherry B.
"I have bought several of your kits and found them to be excellent!" -Andrew B.
"I use a Ray-Way quilt, and it seems the advantages of a synthetic fill quilt far out weigh a down one. The main advantages in my mind? #1- Build up of moisture easier to deal with. #2-Drying much easier over a wider range of conditions. Last but not least cleaning the quilt while in town is much more feasible. A cleaner quilt is warmer/more comfortable. So anyhow Ray, thank you again for making your products available for purchase. -Scott Williamson
"It is beyond belief that someone who got cams out there should ever be criticized for their impact on rock climbing. In the big picture, they made more friends for you than you can imagine. If one looks back at Phoenix and those hero photos they took of you, everyone knew we were looking at the future. The history is in the pictures, and they fueled everything that followed. I still have my set of original Friends. I have heard from hundreds of people that tell me that the Jardine Traverse is their favorite variant pitch of the Nose. That it allows really, really, really, great link-ups"." -Thomas D.
"I cannot express in words how excited I am to be almost completely finished with my first quilt! I am so grateful and really appreciate what you provide for facilitating make-your-own lightweight, quality quilts (and backpacks are next). I can't wait to utilize so many more of your products." -Stefanie K.
"I made my Ray-Way camping quilt in a small NYC apartment on a very small sewing machine-a 1943 Singer Featherweight. the quilt works great, very soft and comfy. This 58yo woman, a cold cold sleeper, finally slept well--really well--camping on the chilly nights in northern New York, night temps down to 34. No more wrestling with a mummy bag, all my positioning pillows for achy joints accommodated by the quilt. Husband delighted, no more cursing and snarling all night from me, cause now I can sleep. Maybe I'll make him one too! Great work Ray and Jenny, Thanks again." -Terry S.
"My Ray-Way backpack has been traveling with me around Europe. Not only do I enjoy its many advantages, but I'm also very proud when friends ask me where I have it from. Being so content with this product, I have decided to also make a two-person quilt for an upcoming hiking trip in Southern Italy." -Stefan M., Germany
"My Ray-Way tarp is about 15 years old now, hundreds of nights out, still going strong. I can't stand sleeping in tents any more." -Darius A.
"I ordered the quilt kit last month. What a boost of confidence your clear instructions gave me! I felt like a sewing expert (once I remembered how to thread the machine). I'm looking forward to another fun sewing adventure with the tarp and net-tent kits. Thank you." -NM
"Just wanted to let you know that I finished sewing the backpack and I'm really thrilled! The instructions were great and easy to follow, even for a guy like me who hasn't used a sewing machine in 30 years." -Daniel P., Switzerland
"Your tips and experiences in your books "Tarp Book Essentials" and "Trail Life" allowed me - 6 years after having replaced my natural hips by artificial joints - to start again hiking with a minimum of package and an optimum of joy." Michael S., Germany
"Hi Ray and Jenny: I have made your backpack, tarp and net tent, 2 sleeping quilts, several stowbags, sleeping hat, 2 insulated hats, trail life, the tarp book; I love them all. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge. You have really helped me." -Frank A.
"My fiance and I are devouring 'Trail Life', which is changing almost every thought we had about our PCT attempt which we are planning for next year. Thanks for a fantastic book!!" -Martyn H., Paris
"I've made and happily used a number of your kits on my AT thru hike, and all of them have been fabulous. My backpack is 10 years old and has only one repair! So appreciate that you make your kits available!" -Noah R.
"I have used my Ray-Way tarp happily for 15 years now, on my 10,000+ miles on several long distance trails. I love its effectiveness and versatility! I've bought two more tarp kits as well and love them too! I have found your kits excellent in supplying everything I need to construct a tarp: proprietary fabric, cord, thread, and instructions. That's why I bought a kit each time I made a tarp. I'm satisfied customer! Now, I coach other women to fulfill their walks and encourage them to use a Ray-Way tarp." -Regina R.
"Just crossed the Brooks Range 170 miles. Used Ray-Way gear & methods exclusively. We found the Ray-Way gear better suited for navigating the challenges of the Arctic landscape. Our best memories were being all cozy & warm under our tarp & quilt, in a downpour, with all the exploding sights, colors and smells of the late summer tundra all around. Ah the places my homemade gear has taken me! Many thanks!" -James G. AK
"Thank you for the awesome work you guys do!!!" -Frank D.
I have been using the Blood Cleaner, and have been getting zero sore throats. - previously I could barely avoid them recurring. I am so grateful to have definitely been freed from those virus infections." Regarding clinical trials, "you don't need to document the obvious" -Stanley B.
"I just received Backpack Kit today!!!! Very very very excited! Thank you so much!!!" -Shonosuke K., Japan
"Thank you very much for your help, Jenny. I appreciate the follow up and really look forward to sharing these projects and outdoor time with my family." -Jan M.
"Hi Ray-Way! I am finishing up the backpack and I love it so far! Thank you...I may make another for fun ;-) now that I know how to sew ;-) But next I'm going to move to the quilt." -Steph C.
"I've ordered a tarp kit, net-tent kit, and quilt kit, all of which I've enjoyed immensely." -Nick D., ON Canada
"Jenny's AT hike inspires me to keep backpacking!" -Janice J.
"I bought a Blood Cleaner for a friend and she is feeling so much better she ordered me one too." -Marc C.
"I have completed my backpack kit. The materials, kit instructions and well engineered, elegant design were much appreciated. Lightweight does not have to be fragile - and now that I have made this pack I can see it lasting for a long, long time. I wish I had this during my boy scout days. Would have made those hikes less painful. Can't wait to put some miles on this pack!" -Brooks P.
"I ordered a Quilt Kit and really appreciate you guys sharing your knowledge. So very generous. I'm really enjoying the Trail Life book. Keep up the good work!" -Kari G.
"It has been my pleasure to assemble the Ray-Way kits; please accept my compliments regarding your ingenuity and industriousness." - Steve P.
"The sewing journey I was on the last couple of weeks was an incredibly deep and enlightening experience to say the least! Sewing the quilt, tarp, backpack and stowbag kits, and studying the tarp book, backpack video, and highly detailed instructions with extremely accurate diagrams = A whole new perspective :) Thank you Ray and Jenny" Will Lady
"I received my Trail Life book just as the snow in Arkansas put me next to my fireplace for a week. Thus the large order. I did self-impose a 48 hour cooling off period before I placed the order just in case I had cabin fever. But I share much of the Ray Way philosophy. And as the daughter of an engineer, I love the logic of your designs. Wish I had found you sooner!" -Lori G.
"Beyond Backpacking and your's & Ray's philosophy have taught me so much. Can't wait to finally sew a quilt!" -David S.
"I ordered and received some products of yours recently. I haven't begun sewing, but can't wait. Also, I'm currently looking to buy other Ray-Way kits." -Eric B.
"I recently purchased your quilt and tarp kits. I have finished the quilt, and it was easy to sew and is quite amazingly warm. Thanks so much and keep up the great work with your kits, the directions are clear and they are a good deal!" -Rick T.
"Thank you for the wonderful customer service. It has been great getting to know the "Ray Way" through your website and "Trail Life" book. You have certainly gained a convert!" -Andy N.
"I have made your 2P tarp. I'm now ordering a net-tent. I think you and Jenny are amazing. Thanks you so much for sharing your enormous amount of knowledge. It keeps me sane when shopping for hiking gear." -Wendy W.
"I really appreciate Ray and Jenny sharing what they know and producing the kits that allow me to experience the joy of making my own equipment and using it to experience the joy of being in the wild places. Thank you so much!" -Steve
"I'm really excited to see more Ray-Way products, especially clothing! Very excited about these kits! I really love your kits and their extreme functionality." -Kerry R.
"THANK YOU!!!! i love my pack- this one is for my husband (he said he'd even sew it!)" Elleyne B.
"I just received the order placed earlier this week, and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the good service, taking care to ensure your products are high quality and that orders exceed expectations. Thank you for the kits, which have enabled me to learn new skills and rethink what I really need in the outdoors. This order included a third backpack kit, for my growing son, 10, who will be taking the lead in sewing it this time. I would not be able to pass on this skill if not for encouraging people to "break out of the mold of imagined inabilities". It is greatly appreciated." Mike W., CA
"I want to thank you for providing the kits. I put faith in your tarp (and quilt) and it paid off. Using it for the first time ever I was caught in an amazing thunderstorm. My buddies had their fancy ultralight tents, and my tarp seemed out of place. But I was to find out why the tarp is much more beneficial. During the amazing lighting and thunderstorm my friends only were able to witness the storm from inside/underneath their rainflys. I was able to witness the beauty of the storm as it lit the forest up. Also the combination of two eliminated the condensation that both my friends tents were doused in. Thanks." Vincent F., AZ
"Dan and I had an epic summer hiking the PCT, and our Ray-way gear all worked so well for us. We found ourselves explaining it quite often to other hikers, many of them young people sporting commercial backpacks of a design based on yours. We directed a lot of people to your website! I've just sent in an order for another (smaller) backpack and a few other things. Can't wait to get out the sewing machine again." -Catherine O.
"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent backpack. I bought your kit last year while I lived in the US for a short while. As I did not have a sewing machine, I made it fully by hand - it took some 2 weeks several hours per day, but it was fun for most of the time - I was constantly mixing inches with centimeters. I took it canyoning for 2 weeks and it behaved extremely well - just some minor scratches, although I never seriously believed that the pack would stand all the abuse it went through. Now I am also using the backpack for hand luggage while traveling, perfect size even more perfect weight, I am going shopping with it 35 kg (70-80 lbs) without problems and, of course, backpacking. This year I am taking the pack ice climbing and on several backpacking and canoe trips." -Atis R.
"After doing a 50 mile slog through Kings Canyon in California with my son's scout team, I wanted to try lighter weight backpacking gear. The thought of making it myself with your kits intrigued me. My wife got me started sewing the 2-man tarp on her sewing machine. I heard her laughing and telling my daughter that I was actually sewing. The instructions provided told me everything I needed to know. My son and I tested the tarp out tonight in the backyard with a hose. It's water tight and ready to go! I'm starting the backpack next." -Steve S.
"My new Quilt is beautiful and I thank you for your amazing clear directions. Even if I got stumped I just kept reading it over and I could almost hear you slowly telling me clearly. And it always worked. Thank you so much!" - Lynnie W.
"Just finished reading Trail Life. Wow! Within 30 minutes my way of thinking about backpacking was changed. By the end the read I have a completely shifted view about gear and preparing for and enjoying the outdoors. Thinking for yourself about these things is actually more fun. I have taken my first step toward "commercial independence" by making my own a fleece hat and mittens on my wife's sewing machine. Next comes your tarp. Big Thanks for sharing your knowledge, experience and philosophy. It has made a difference." Dana N., CA
"I absolutely love the two person deluxe quilt. It's amazing how light it is. I love how you can adjust how it's positioned over you, so you don't have a heat stroke like in a mummy bag. Thanks for putting these kits together and making them available." -Jason D.
"I can't say enough good things about your Ray-Way designs! I've been able to go out on trips once a month all last year, call them "microadventures" and plan to do the same this year. Even in the dead of winter up just shy of the Arctic Circle, Ray-Way gear works great! Cheers Ray and Jenny for the awesomeness of your designs!!!" -James G.
"Thanks for all your kit and weight shedding inspiration. lots of snow this summer in the Swedish wilderness Sarek, but the tarp and quilt worked well. Just had to lower it a fair bit in the winds to block the rain and draft. Quilt with Alpine thickness worked really well." - Magnus O., Sweden
My husband and I are very excited to make the 2 person quilt, as my down bag is bulky and weighs 4 lbs and his has lost too much loft to keep him warm. We always hike together so it just makes sense to snuggle up. We are currently doing backpacking trials using Rays books. Someday we hope to do the PCT like you two. We are getting a tarp kit next, then we will go for the backpacks. We are grateful for all of your wisdom and experience and are excited to get away from the overly expensive and heavy gear!" -Tracie B.
"You all rock! Can’t wait to sew these Ray-Way kits up!" -Samuel M.
"I ordered a tarp kit, net-tent kit, Tarp Book, and thread, along with a delux 2-person quilt kit with the alpine upgrade, and two stowbag kits. The box and materials combined weigh less than the tent I use now!! And it's considered an ultralight product." -Jason L.
"I've made so many of your projects that I need more thread. Thanks!" -Earl W.
"Thanks for the great kits. I have completed the tarp, quilt, hat, backpack, and a knife kit and have ordered a net tent kit. I must say that the instructions in your kits are bombproof. They are extremely well written and make the process easy. You simply do one simple thing at a time. My son and I spent a week on the trail in Shenandoah National Park. The backpack and tarp performed exceptionally. We even weathered a couple of blistering thunderstorms and stayed completely dry. We used many principles and ideas from Trail Life to keep our packs light." Ron S., VA
"We had a wonderful two weeks cycling trip across the alps from Germany to Italy. I finished the tarp just before we left and it did a great job. Thank you for the ideas and the materials. Accomplishing the sewing project has been a deeply satisfying experience!" - Dominik, Germany
"I just placed an order for some of your awesome thread. I'm about to run out and realize now I should have followed your advice and ordered more than one spool! oh well, I ordered 3 this time because I can't imagine using any other thread for any of my projects ever again." Joel C., IN
"I made a Ray-Way tarp in 2006 and used it on the PNT, and it's still going strong." -Joe Y.
"A couple of years ago I made your tarp and net tent kits, and I haven't used a "real" tent since. Aside from one hastily set up camp on a steep hill where my ground cloth slid slightly beyond the tarp's protection overnight, it's kept me dry even in fairly severe thunderstorms. And the ventilation and roominess can't be beat! On one trip it was raining in the morning, so my hiking partner and I cooked breakfast underneath the tarp. Then, the other two members of our party crowded underneath for a relatively dry meal (of course the net tent wasn't pitched at the time). That never would have been possible in a 2 person backpacking tent. So thanks for providing these kits!" - Brian S., OH
"I just finished the the JMT and put the Ray-Way tarp to the test. We had some intense storms. It was the windiest, rainiest and most lightening I've camped in, and most intense storm I've seen since moving to California. I remained completely dry inside the net tent and under my quilt. I knew that the tarp should hold up, but now I know viscerally how strong a shelter system it is! I was at Lake Marjorie just north of Pinchot Pass for the show. It was plain awesome! Thanks again for producing such a great product." -David C., CA
"Hi Jenny and Ray, just finished your backpack kit and tested it on Mallorca / GR221 a few days. It performed excellent without a hip belt. My next project is to sew a quilt." Andreas L., Germany
"I’ve made a tarp, net tent, quilt, and hat from your kits, and I am about to order 2 shell pants kits. Keep up the good work." -Eric F.
"Thanks for the incredibly lovely package. I needed to learn how to sew, and I am so totally thrilled to get started! Jenny, I have enjoyed reading and hearing about your adventures so much. You are a hero of mine. I have done just a bit of "the way out there" myself, and find that taking weight off is essential." -Alexandra T.
"I managed to sew the quilt (it's beautiful) and now sewing the backpack. Your instructions are great. Your book, so generously sharing your knowledge, fills me with inspiration. Thank you so much." -Kari G.
"Having completed the wind pants kits (S, M, L, and XL) I can tell you they all fit their wearers without modifications. Thank you very much for having the kits available at such a reasonable cost. Having spent the cold months sewing, I am quite anticipating the pleasure of being out-and-about in the new gear." -Steve P.
"I successfully sewed your backpack and quilt and used them on my hiking trip to the Altai Mountains in Russia. Most notable a 10-day hike around Belukha mountain. Everything worked almost perfectly. Next time I hope to order and sew the tarp kit. Thanks for the site, info and possibility to make my own backpack and quilt!" -Gwen F., Altai, Russia
"I am making a documentary film about the PCT- specifically the culture of thru-hiking and its progression from being somewhat of a fringe pursuit to it's more recent explosion in popularity. Your PCT hiker's handbook wound up in my hands years ago through my wife's grandfather. I really loved the personal handwritten note and postcard that bookmarked a page. I really do see you guys as the preeminent figures of this movement, being central to the evolution of thru-hiking, lightweight efficiency and innovation." -Michael C.
"Now,I'm starting to try sewing Ray-Way Backpack! It's sooo fun!!" -Toshimichi K., Japan
"I finished making my beautiful quilt a few weeks ago and I am 100% pleased with the results. I work with an outfitter here in Tennessee and I can honestly say that nothing on our wall matches the performance of the quilts simple design and modest price." Jeff D.
"First of all, much thanks for providing these kits! Quality gear + a new skill for a relatively low cost is a pretty great deal. I recently finished sewing my 2P Tarp and 2P Net-Tent with negligible previous sewing experience. Overall your instructions were phenomenal, and really made these projects more approachable than I thought they would be." Brian S., OH
"Ray and Jenny, Thank you so much for offering your products in kit form. There is definitely *Magic* created while sewing your kits. After thru-hiking the AT in the early 90's, I never thought that I would bond with a backpack or sleeping bag (now quilt) again." Darren P.
"People have commented that your thread lasts forever." -Julius D., FL
"Ray and Jenny, you produced the best book I have ever read. I'm giving a copy of Trail Life to a friend, and think it is the best advice out there." -Charles K.
"I really enjoyed making my tarp, net tent, and sleeping quilt. I've been rereading Trail Life and the Tarp Book Essential as well. Thank you for making sewing so easy and fun. I'll be working next on my backpack next! I plan to be on the High Sierra Trail this July." - Aika M. CA
"Your gear and ideas are priceless and have afforded me much greater comfort, adventure, and accomplishments than you could ever imagine. I sing your praises to this day!!" - Geoff S.
"I'm in the process of assembling my pack kit that arrived last week, and I'm having a blast working on this project. Unfortunately, I cut webbing wrong but Jenny sent a new piece right away. Your customer service is incredible! Thanks so much." -Isaac B.
"I'm extremely grateful for your Blood Cleaner efforts and that you're sharing this technology." -Conall M.
"Just completed a knife purchased from you. It turned out great. When I went to sharpen it more (it was already very sharp), I used the sharpening method from your video. I have never been able to get a knife as sharp as this one. I love the blade, the sharpening system, and video sharpening instructions. Another great Ray-Way product." Ron S., VA
"Thank you for sharing your journey around the world! I really enjoyed it. Now when I am working on my quilt I can have a better appreciation of the wonderful people who designed it." - David B.
"We want to thank you ever so much for your fast and efficient service. We have received all our merchandise and are extremely satisfied with your service." Burt M.
"Dear Ray and Jenny, First off, thanks for putting together such great products. I just finished sewing the big stack of kits I ordered a few months ago - tarp, spitfire, quilt, batwing, and stowbags for all. I'm pleased to report that they all came out beautiful and professional. I'm an experienced seamstress, but having never sewed with these types of materials, I really appreciated the sewing tips. As an engineer, I found the instructions for all your kits to be a refreshing departure from the norm. The kits are for a through-hike of the PCT this summer, and I am pleased to report that after finishing all the kits, you have a new convert. I've just placed a second order for another tarp and a 2p net-tent, because my husband decided to come with me. He's going to sew the kits himself. :) Thanks again!" -Gwynneth S., AZ
"My 1st quilt was finished last weekend - 5 more to go for family, 2 kits arrived today. Slept in mine for 2 nights @ 36'F - lovely! Perfect instructions." -Cassi Y.
"I wanted to thank you guys for all that you do. I really appreciate your philosophies. I just finished making your tarp, quilt, pack, and stowbag. It all turned out great. Its amazing how satisfying and rewarding it is to making your own gear. I am looking forward to many excursions with my newly sewn gear. Thanks for everything." -JC P.
"We used our tarp and the net-tent on our 100+ mile trip of traversing the Uintas in Utah. Both were great and went a long way to lightening our loads. The tarp saved us from several severe soakings on the last few days. We were able to set up the tarp quickly and get out of the rain. Thanks for everything!" John W., UT
"How many times do I need to keep telling you guys you really could be charging folks twice as much for your kits and wealth of detailed design instructions!!! I can't even tell you how good a deal we all are getting for such great kits!! You guys are way too kind. I tried making my own packs and quilt when Beyond Backpacking first came out, and I must say my first go around of equipment was 100 times more functional than the clunker gear of commercial stores, but looked pretty cheezie. After your kits came out, my gear became A+ professional in function, looks, design, and strength!!! Not to mention lasting over 9 years of all year around heavy use!" James G., CA
I like to consider myself a witness of Nature rather a great adventurer, but anyway, I've ordered and sewed one of your 1P tarps and I must say that it is an essential for me now !!! It rocks !! I am french and I couldn't find better shelter." -Alexis B., France
"Loved Trail Life and had to buy one for my backpacking buddy so she would stop borrowing mine." Heather R.
"I am very happy with the pack, quilt, new tarp, and spitfire that I made last winter, used them all this past summer. As it turned out the north cascades had a somewhat heavy bug season this past July and I was very happy to have the spitfire. I was really impressed with the functionality of it, as well as the ease of going in and out of the door. Once again a top notch product that just works and works well." -Scott Williamson
"Got the shorts done. Not perfect, but they fit well and are comfortable. Time to start on the backpack. Looking forward to it. I live very close to the AT, and completed the AT back in 2018." -Dennis B.
"I always recommend your Ray-Way tarps and backpacks and we used them for the 650km Australian Alps Walking Track in very late autumn in Australia: They worked wonderfully." -Phillip B., Australia
"Big fan of your books and the Ray-Way hiking products. Ive completed two of your tarp kits and just ordered the stow bags and shell pants kit. Thanks for all the info and help you have provided me." -Daniel D.
"Your kits are perfect. I have never sewed before but was able to follow the instructions and get a lot of praise from friends and family on the finished projects. My hiking buddy and I have been going every other day on hikes to train for our upcoming trip. We are having a blast together. Thank you again for making my life richer and fuller." Randall B.
"What a relief you still sell the Blood Cleaners! I have ordered sewing kits in the past and like them and still use them. I have been using my Blood Cleaners for quite a while and it has been very beneficial. Now I want to order another one for my wife." -Brian K.
"I made the shell pants just before a trip to the Sierras where the mosquitoes were horrendous, even at 11,000 feet in elevation. I did not get any bites through the shell pants, though -- unbelievable. And they are so light. The pants will be an essential piece of gear on all spring/summer trips from now on!" -Carol R.
"Just wanted to say thanks for the great tarp, net-tent, and batwing kits. The projects were a lot of fun and I really enjoyed making them. I'm new to backpacking and the first thing I did was buy your Trail Life book and wow, is that a great book! So now I think I'm on the right path to really enjoying lightweight backpacking." -Joe W.
"Thanks again Ray and Jenny for the awesome products you have made available. I have read your books several times and have given them away several times. I have thought about making my own quilt, tarp and pack but wanted more instruction and *hand holding*. Your kits are the answer. You guys are doing wonderful things. keep it up." -Geoff G.
"Hi Ray and Jenny, I've started using the Blood Cleaner again. Thanks so much. Its a great device." -Noah D.
"Thanks for all you have done for ultra-light backpacking. I look forward to building your backpack kit!" -Dave M.
"Hi Jenny and Ray, You both are doing great stuff. I read 'Beyond Backpacking' years ago and got hooked on ultralight backpacking. My first project was your Backpack-Kit. Your kits are of outstanding quality and, especially because of the very good instructions, worth every cent! Thanks for sharing your experiences. You both raised a new generation of backpackers - free in their minds, free of commercial influences, thinking for themselves. All the best from Germany " C.F.
"I am so excited to be ordering your kits! Thank you :)" -Mark G.
"I recently completed my first project - a 1P quilt made with Light fabric and the extra layer. It looks great, especially considering its the first time I've used a sewing machine! I had ordered the extra layer knowing that my wife sleeps cold, and figuring that the quilt would catch her eye immediately. I guessed right, so have ordered a 1P quilt kit for myself. So if you've got a list of delighted customers, put us at the top! We'll be ordering the backpack kits next. Thanks for all your efforts." -Don H.
"If you are considering hiking all or part of the PCT, I recommend you forget all that you know about hiking, especially if it is based on conventional backpacking knowledge. Study Ray's advice and you will learn things the easy way, rather than having to learn from your struggles like I did my first year on the trail." - Scott Williamson
"I have truly learned so much from your new Tarp Book Essential. GREAT JOB!!" Michael W., GA
"Jenny: I have made 3 different sizes of your Ray-Way backpack, as well as the tarp, a batwing, the Spitfire, 3 different weights of quilts, the sleeping pad and several stowbags. I happily used my Ray-Way gear over 4 summer sections to finish the AT. I especially loved being able to survey my surroundings as I lay in my comfy quilt in the twilight and the dawn, instead of being stuck inside a fully enclosed tent. So when placing an order today, and reading your narrative of your solo thru-hike on the AT, I suddenly realized that we met! We had a nice riverside chat, and I remember your highly appropriate trail name and your backpack, but I didn't realize that you were Jenny. We hiked a bit, but I sent you on your way because of your faster pace. Your 5 months of training really served you well. I’m so glad I got to meet you! Congratulations on your highly successful adventure." -Ruthless (Jenny replies: Thank you for your Ray-Way Products order, and sending the photos from the AT. I remember that day very well when we met at the Marble Brook. It was fun talking with you and we hiked together maybe a mile. Have a great CT trek!)
"My wife and I just returned from our 2 week hike on the North Country Trail, here in Michigan, using Ray-Way gear and info from Trail Life and the Tarp Book. Everything went flawlessly." Kerry R., MI
"Love my tarp, spitfire, quilt, pack!" - Brian W.
"Looking forward to getting order (Quilt Kit, Quilt Stowbag kit, Backpack Kit, Backpack Pocket Kit, Backpack DVD, Thread) My niece loves the backpack and quilt she made!" -Susan G.
"We are just back from cycling the north sea cycle way - 2768 miles in 61 days - used the quilt I made and it kept us snuggly warm in the cold weather we experienced. My husband was very skeptical but is now converted to the quilt idea. it saved on space and weight. THANKS." -Brenda C., UK
I'm buying some more Blood Cleaner units for friends. Blessings." -Diana, Panama
I started my PCT thru hike with my Ray-Way backpack, quilt, shell pants, sleep hat and tent stakes and they all worked great. Thanks for all you have done for the backpacking community." -Scott C.
"Since I started using your product (Blood Cleaner and Nano-Silver maker), over 2 years now, I have had zero cold/flu incidents." -Dave H.
"Ray and Jenny, THANK YOU for sharing your ideas, inspiration, experiences, advice, insight, philosophy, positive /limitless attitude, etc!! I have always enjoyed backpacking and what you call *elbow* room. However, as hard as it is to admit, I, like many others, have been disillusioned by marketers, advertisements, etc...until now! Early this year Molly and I decided to hike the John Muir Trail in August. We purchased 2 backpacks + the DVD, a Tarp, a Net-tent, a Quilt, 2 spools of thread and a sewing machine. Having never sewn before I was a little nervous, but your encouragement and the success of others gave me confidence. I completed my backpack, tarp, net-tent, quilt, several ditty bags, stwobags for the quilt, 2 umbrella modifications, and a hiker's friend filter. Molly sewed her backpack and dehydrated our homemade food for the trip. In retrospect we are really glad we got these made as they proved indispensable! We were very pleased with the performance of all the gear." Brian L.
"I use Ray-Way camping gear on bike tours. I am really proud of my backpack! Thank you!" -Francois L., Québec
"I'm super excited to get started sewing this 2-Person XL Quadratic Net-Tent together!" -Jeremy H.
"Ray and Jenny, Thank you for your tarp design and kits. You've brought the openness of sleeping under the stars together with even greater protection and comfort than a tent. And this at a lighter weight than other gear with the satisfaction of making it oneself. Your Tarp Book Essential is very thorough in explaining how to make the most effective use of the design. Thanks again." Mike W., CA
"Greetings Ray/Jenny, Got out for another AT trip. Hiked Damascus to Bland VA with a friend. We Tarp camped each of the 7 nights on the trail. Backpack, quilt, net-tent all helped make for a terrific trip, as I knew they would." Craig H.
"I was given a deluxe quilt kit by my wife for Christmas. It was my first time in front of a sewing machine - my wife showed me the basics then left with the kids for the weekend. I finished the foot box as she pulled back in the driveway. It turned out awesome and her pride in my work was a real boost. Thanks for the great kit - As you imply in your writing, learning to make your own gear is empowering, and I have an attachment to the quilt beyond what my expensive down bag ever meant to me. On top of that, my kids love it and want to sleep under it too, so I'm ordering two more quilts and a tarp." Michael M.
"I just am putting the finishing touches on the backpack kit. When I first read the instructions I was a bit overwhelmed and thought "What have I gotten into." However, by following the instructions one step at a time they made perfect sense. I don't think I have ever worked with another set of instructions that were as detailed and well thought out as yours. The pack gradually took shape before my eyes and the daunting process ended up being a series of small steps. Thanks for all the effort you put into the instructions and the kit. After completing the process I now see the genius in the order and progression. Again superb. I will be ordering some more Ray-Way kits in the future." Ron S., VA
"You know, I used to be in awe of the lifestyle the two of you have lived, and later, I was impressed with the thought processes and the creativity involved in the products that you created to solve you ultralight problems.., but now I'm just impressed with your excellent customer service. Thank you for your initiative." -Dave B.
"Over the last 15 years I have sewed two Ray-Way tarps, five quilts, two backpacks, and two Spitfires, and use them often." -Steve S.
"So far, I've placed 26 orders over the years. Eight backpacks (Two are mine, others as gifts), five tarps, three quilts, and other items too. I just spent 8 days on the AT and had a great time. I got to experience the tarp's wonderful ventilation function as I was quite wet & chilly from heavy rain, but I dried out & warmed up promptly once under my tarp & quilt. Thanks for the outstanding gear. Everything works perfectly." -Craig H.
"I've been a fan of yours for over 10 years, I've section hiked over 300 miles on the AT largely with your gear, countless trips to Colorado and California on the PCT, and my wife and I are just die hard fans of what you do and the unique position you're in to give back to the outdoor community. Thanks for all you do." - Robert G., TX
"Our 2 person quilt was a joy to construct. The wife was skeptical on how it would work, now she won't use anything else." - Kevin N.
"Super happy with the kit. The pack is super comfortable with my 10.5lb base weight. it's the 2400cu inch and it's plenty big for a week, and carries great. Thanks for a great kit!" -Colin M., New Brunswick
"I think your kits are fantastic." Jeanette E.
"I can't wait to start working on my Tarp and Spitfire Kits!" -Patrick M.
"I placed an order today for a 2600 ci backback. Thanks, I'm so excited to sew up my new pack." -Matt M., NJ
"I am a fan of Beyond Backpacking (and now Trail Life), and those books have changed my life, thanks for sharing your wisdom. I purchased a backpack kit and it is now done. The kit was great, the instructions were clear and detailed, and I am very happy with the result. Thank you both!" Mark D., Indiana
"Dear Ray and Jenny, We've built your tarp, net-tent and quilt and are about to embark on another quilt and a backpack. We just wanted to drop you a line to say thank-you. Before we read your books and started adopting your philosophies and creating our own equipment, we didn't think backpacking with our 2-year old son would be possible. One of us has to carry him most of the way, so the other person must carry almost everything else. We now have a few adventures behind us and are pleased to say it is possible! Thanks for helping allow us to be together as a family in the wilderness!" Simon H.
"I want to say thank you for gifting us all with these Blood Cleaner machines. I have started to heal finally. My heart swells with gratitude. Thank you again!!!" -Desiree W.
"Thanks for all of the great products that you provide. Making my own gear has changed the way that I interact with the outdoors. The two quilts I've made are my favorite sleeping bags now, and I'm sure my tarp and net-tent will be just as good. Take care, and keep encouraging and empowering the rest of us to make our own gear!" -Ben S.
"I was an Outward Bound student in 1973. I remember that the students your group had a more "challenging" course than the rest of us. What I remember best, however, is a pull-up contest you and a fellow instructor had. We were waiting most of an afternoon for a truck to take us to the next trailhead and you started trading sets of 5 pull-ups... and they continued on for several hours!" -Doug R.
"I did the Blood Cleaner for two months, and I feel great." -Jeff C.
My wife used one of your backpacks (as well as a Ray-Way tarp and quilt) when she hiked the entire AT. She no longer has the pack but I want to buy her a new kit." -Travis M.
"I ordered my first quilt kit with much trepidation, due to the fact that my only prior sewing experience was watching my wife make throw pillows! I did the whole thing in about 7 hours!!! Wow. Though there are definite signs this quilt was done by a first-timer, it looks really good. This was a most exciting project and I cannot wait to use it. Thank you Ray and Jenny for a most inspirational project." -Will A.
"I have read both 1st and 2nd Edition PCT books, They are as valuable today as they were years ago. I have learned a lot." -Adam K.
"Prior to the JF class I purchased and made your Ray-Way pack, quilt, tarp, net-tent, knife and sheath. I brought them all and they performed wonderfully. I was especially impressed with how my pack felt and performed when we loaded 22 pounds of water for the long climb up to our camp above treeline. The pack carried the load beautifully. The instructions were excellent." Rich M.
"I am 68 years old and have been camping since the year before I was born, and found your "Trail Life" book extremely informative and very enjoyable! I am reading it again for the second time!" Bob T., TX
"I bought "Trail Life" and instantly read it, many parts over and over. I was expecting a lot, yet still surprised at how much is in there!" Joseph D., Iowa
"Thank you so much for sharing your products with us and encouraging us to create! So many lessons about life learned by sewing." -Jim D.
I just ordered two quilt kits for my kiddos. I'm being bombarded with excited "when are we going to make them?" questions." -Joe C.
"I had a lot of fun sewing the tarp. I think the backpack was a little easier to sew because the pieces were smaller. My biggest piece of advice is the same as yours: measure carefully. I spent a long while laying out the fabric and measuring and cutting to make sure I got it right. The drawings where very helpful and everything went together exactly as explained. I can't wait to try it out this weekend." Geoff G.
"I'm working on backpack kit, the instructions are easy to follow. This is my forth Ray-Way project and I feel like I can now sew anything." -John K.
"I made my first Ray-Way backpack several years ago. It has completed one thru-hike and about 3,000 additional miles of backpacking. I've made a few repairs and it's still going strong!" - Brandon G.
"The order looks good. Looks like I'll be sewing for a while. :)" Joshua M., Japan
"While preparing for our FFT (first Ray Way!), few things have been as valuable as "Trail Life". Early in my studying the book, I started making notes. My notes quickly turned into pages, too large for a web post. So rather than trying to convince experienced outdoor enthusiasts to buy your book, I just started buying extra copies and gifting them. If I hadn't buddied around and climbed with Ray in Yosemite, I might find what the two of you have accomplished as somewhat unbelievable. For the less experienced adventurist, in a one-liner summary I would simply suggest the following: "Ray and Jenny provide not only useful products and trustworthy information to believe - but also, and more importantly - two people to believe IN." You can quote me on that. Thanks again for sharing your experiences, tips and inspirations. I love what you have done and are doing." Craig C., AK
"Thanks for designing these wonderful kits. I've finished two quilts in addition to the tarp and net-tent. What a great feeling of accomplishment, and empowerment!" David S.
"I received my order of net-tent and quilt and have made both. Great sewing directions." -Kathy J., NH
"We are building a robust collection here in our university archives. Our goal is to preserve photos, writings, sketches, documents, etc from influential brands and individuals in the outdoor products space. We would love to work with you to create the Ray Jardine Collection where your papers, writings, as well as any materials relating to the development of the Friend as well as your other countless contributions could be preserved, protected, and appreciated long term.-Chase A.
"I love your products. I purchased a quilt and tarp years ago but have lost them in multiple moves. Now that I live like 5 minutes from an AT trail, it got me wanting to hike again. So I’m starting off with the backpack this time, and then another quilt and a tarp to replace the old ones! Keep up the good work with your products!!" -Frank D.
"I recently ordered your 2 person quilt kit, and found the instructions and materials to be of superior quality. The project took a little longer than expected, but the results have been well worth the time and effort. The quilt fits perfectly. As for performance, we hurried off the very next weekend to try it out. The weight savings was incredible, weighing less than one of our traditional bags. The trip was a bit blustery and got down into the 30's but we noticed no loss of comfort. Thank you for such an innovative idea."-Jason M.
"I've looked at all the kits and I must say that they all are interesting. I have no skill at all but looks so much fun and practical to be able to do it by yourself. I just placed my order for the backpack, tarp and sleeping pad kit, along with some options (backpack sewing video, pocket, tarp Stowbag, BatWing, thread and AT Gear video). Please don't forget to include the AT gear video, can't wait to learn from all the knowledge from both of you!" -Eric B.
"I purchased your tarp and quilt kits. The instructions are easy to follow and the finished quality is equal to or better than anything store bought. I took my first lightweight trip with my dad and my dogs. The tarp and quilt kept me more than warm in the 30 degree weather. When it is not in use I leave the quilt laying out on a spare bed so that it stays lofted. I also made it a little larger as my dogs like to sleep under it with me, it is probably more of a two person. The quilt is so comfortable that I stripped the blankets and sheets from my bed and use it instead. Camped along Reavis Creek in the Superstition Mountains, this was also the first time I had ever slept under a tarp and it was amazing. Warm, no condensation in the morning, no getting up to let dogs out for bathroom breaks, and I had it stowed and my pack loaded the next morning before my dad made it out of his tent." -Daniel S.
"First, a big thank you for all you've done for the outdoor community. Your lives have inspired me for many years. Love your books and hope you write those you've talked about. Maybe Jenny could do more writing too. I enjoyed what she shared about her solo hike of the AT. Her perspective could add more depth to those amazing adventures. Also, more about your lives now. I look forward to the News section and your homestead. Thanks again for everything." -Dale F.
"I live in Casoli (CH) Italy, and am sewing a tarp kit and a batwing kit that my son purchased from you. I helped him sew one of your backpacks last year, and it was an extremely satisfying bonding with my son. Thank you for your "risposte" (answers) to "la mia domanda" (my questions)." -Becky W.
"After years of researching, I'm finally taking the plunge to go the SMART Ray-Way! We can hardly wait to hit the trail soon with my new Ray-Way gear! Hopefully my wife also gets her order placed in time for you to send it out the door before Jenny's departure for the exciting 3-month solo thru-hike of the AT. Woohoo for you! Thank you for all you do to help folks like us. We are certainly the better for it!" -David B
"I've bought a few Ray-Way quilts and tarp kits from you over the years and they changed the way I hike and camp." -Kane L., Montreal
"Dear Ray, I am writing to thank you. My copies of all of your books are dog-eared from being referenced again and again. I have great respect for the manner in which you share your experience, knowledge, suggestions and opinions. From the beginning I recognized that you were interested in attraction rather than promotion, and this principle seems to be pervasive throughout your writing. You write with respect for the intelligence of your readers; rather than try to "prove" that your way is best, you simply explain what works for you and invite readers to experiment for themselves if they wish. Mostly, I am thankful because your influence has allowed me to enjoy nature far more than I would have otherwise. I feel the purpose of gear is just to work so that it stays out of the way and allows the natural flow of being outdoors to emerge. The Ray-Way has taught me about being present, mindful, and happy in the outdoors, rather than "protecting" me from nature. Finally, I would like to thank you for sharing your life of adventure so thoroughly and enjoyably in your books and on your website. Every trip report makes the world of possibility a bit larger for me. Thank you." John G., Shenzhen, China
"I have enjoyed making you kits over the years and just want to say thank you for such a great products." - Bruce R.
"I bought a Ray-Way pack last year and it was a joy to assemble. I never knew I could sew! My son and I are planning an extended packing trip this May for his HS graduation. I ordered another pack for him and we are both thrilled with our packs. Thanks Ray!" Taylor F.
"Thank you so much for offering your variety wonderful kits. Thus far, I have sewn a tarp, net-tent, quilt and stowbags using your kits. I have also recently completed the knife kit and am about to start on the leather sheath. All of the kits produce a great looking final project and more importantly function extremely well while on the trail." James S.
"I just received my Quilt Kit in the mail. Thank you for making these kits available. I've enjoyed making them and using the gear every time." -Aika M.
"I have made my shell pants. I wanted the largest size in case I made mistakes and also so that I could wear them over regular cargo shorts, not just yoga shorts. And also because all pants out there are always too small in the thighs for me. I think I did a pretty good job on them. The instructions were very clear. I was able to give them a good test for ticks and stickers this weekend, after nearly ruining my leggings with the little plant stickers and watching ticks crawl up my legs. The shell pants are good for ticks. They can't hang on for long. They're also good for little plant stickers and burrs that might ruin your leggings. And I like that you can see my fancy yoga shorts underneath" -Diane S.
"Just got back from the Gila Wilderness NM where I used the trusty 2P tarp, net tent and my newly completed quilt. Loved sleeping in the quilt. Regulates temperature much better than a sleeping bag. And a whole lot less fussing with zipper, etc. My new favorite price of gear!" - Brooks P.
"This weekend my wife and I took our newly constructed Ray-Way tarp to Anza Borrego Desert SP for its inaugural voyage. We particularly enjoyed sleeping under the tarp which allowed for us to enjoy the perfectly still and balmy desert night without sweltering inside our old claustrophobic backpacking tent. Not to mention the other perks in leaving 4 unnecessary pounds at home and the deeper connection to the landscape of stars and sounds of the night." -Ben T.
"I ordered your Tarp Book Essential, Trail Life, and a Tarp recently and have read the books cover to cover. They have been very thought provoking and have helped me look at things in a new way. One afternoon I slept in the tarp during a hard rain. I was nervous because I was in a bit of depression between two trees. I stayed completely dry without a drop of water inside the tarp. The water run-off just soaked into the ground. The next morning I made my breakfast inside the tarp on my alcohol stove. There was so much room and ventilation. I am having a paradigm shift and want to sew more gear." Ron S., VA
"A few days ago I spent my first very rainy night under my Ray-Way Tarp. I was in Washington, just off the coast of the Columbia River. It's impossible for me to have been any dryer. And, with my quilt, I was quite comfortably warm. I got a little nervous when the rain started but the longer it poured the more the nerves turned to pride. I was also using the net tent and shared my under-tarp-space with a stump. Probably one of the proudest camping moments of my life. Though my pitching needs work, I've just finished reading the Tarp Book and have ideas on how I can improve. Thank you Ray and Jenny for the pointers during construction and thanks for sharing all your experiences and ideas. I think we're all richer for them." - Michael P.
"The kits are packaged very well, arrive promptly and go together as instructed. Completed projects: 2-person tarp, Quilt, Knife kit. In Progress: Knife kit, Stowbag. Thanks again" Larry B.
"I have had your blood cleaner for several years and It has been great. I did a course of treatment a couple of times and it made a real difference in my health. You may be slammed with the COVID-19 crisis, so I am ordering another one!" -Mark T.
"This is to let you know that I am forever grateful for what you have done for me, and always feel blessed that because of you my life was saved! I am such a lucky person coming across your path. God Bless both of you." -Sherry B.
"I have finished construction of the Ray-Way Backpack, and love it! And I read your book about your AT thru-hike. Fascinating and very insightful. Thanks again for all your insight and seriously great products." -Jason D.
"I finished my Ray-Way pack yesterday. In spite of some rather crooked stitches, I'm excited how it turned out. It seems much tougher and strong than I had hoped and I know I'll get a lot of use out of it. I like the front and side pocket drawcords. Perhaps you have drawcords in the description on your website but I had assumed they'd be elastic cord. I think the drawcord is a much better design! I was also very impressed with the shoulder straps, both construction and placement. They turned out very well and your instructions throughout were excellent. I love the pack and I'm excited to try it out on a backpacking trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. BTW, the end weight with a sternum strap is 9.5 oz!" -Reed S
"I hiked the John Muir and High Sierra Trails, and once again I used my Ray-Way backpack, tarp, and quilt. The larger Ray-Way backpack handled the large bear can and 8 days of food. The 2-layer Alpine quilt was plenty warm. The tarp was as versatile as ever, in wind and rain, tight spots and wide, with trees or with sticks, always giving me the feeling of being outside while still being well sheltered. Thanks again for encouraging people to develop new skills and seek new adventures." -Mike W.
"I sewed my first Ray-Way pack eight years ago, and it has served me better than I could have ever hoped, through week-long trips in the southern Appalachians taken every year; several shorter two to three night trips every year; and all the attendant training hikes on the paths near my home. As well, it's been shuffled in and out of airports as my preferred travel pack. In fact, it's the only backpack I have anymore. I'm looking forward to making and using my next pack. This time I'm getting a slightly larger one to accommodate the Ray-Way Sleeping Pad I've been enjoying - another great innovation. Thanks for the design. I've really enjoyed your gear through many adventures." - Jeff D.
I keep getting all sorts of emails from companies selling new light weight backpacks, and they all just remind me of Ray-Ways. I feel like you two started the whole thing that is now like sooooo everywhere. and I hope you get praise and thanks and acknowledgement of all you offered to all of us… back when we were all carrying around our houses on our backs…. And you enlightened us. I learned sooo much from you both.. and sooo appreciate it because I might be able to just keep on hiking… thank you.. truly.. and appreciatively." -Lynnie W.
"I love these projects." Nick R.
"I've purchased tarp, backpack and quilt kits a few months ago. I love the gear I've made so far!" -Mike R.
"I've purchased a backpack, quilt, tarp, net tent, hat, knife kit, sleeping pad, multiple books and videos, and have been pleased with each and every product since around 2008. All the products have and continue to perform amazingly. These 3 new quilts will be for my wife and two teenage sons who have for years been envious of my quilts' performance. They are ready to learn how to sew, so this is a great project for them. I also enjoy seeing your website visitor count number. I can remember when it was below the one million count. Many thanks for staying true with your products. You guys are incredible role models for humanity." -Shawn B.
"I just returned from a trip along the JMT and my Ray-Way tarp worked fantastic! There was quite a bit of rain, thunder, lightning and hail but the tarp took it all in stride. My Ray-Way quilt also worked great!" Darren O., CA
"Oh boy. can't wait to get back on the trail w/new Ray-Way gear. I've researched for two years and nothing compares to your designs. (and your low prices are so appreciated.) C U on the AT." -Cecilia M.
"I am an avid outdoor enthusiast and backpacker from Minnesota. Unfortunately this year I contracted Lyme disease while backpacking. I've gone through several weeks of antibiotics and tho my situation has improved greatly, I am still experiencing some lingering symptoms. My doctor is not recommending continued antibiotic usage at this time, so I'm searching for alternatives. For this reason, I am extremely interested in purchasing a blood cleaner (probably the Apocalyptic). I have researched several other devices and believe yours to be (by far) the best for my specific situation." -Brian M.
"I have been hauling camping gear around in my 10+ year old Ray-Way backpack and have enjoyed it so much. Now I use it to carry groceries from the local farmers market on my bicycle." John G., TX
"I truly love my tarp and spitfire. It's so cozy to climb in for the night, and so fulfilling to still being connected with the outdoors. Thank you for all your experimenting, designing, sewing, testing, and sharing. So many people's lives have been enriched." - Ruth M.
"Ray and Jenny: I have just finished my thru-hike of the A.T using all the gear kits I have purchased from you (backpack, 2 quilts, tarp and spitfire). The gear worked out great!! Also while on the trail I have inspired a lot of other hikers to make their own gear, and to use your kits. Thanks again for your great products. GA-ME 2012" Les P., NY
"We've really enjoyed your kits! Probably wouldn't have gotten far without your helpful instructions. Thank you!" -Dean S.
"Hello Jenny. I was reading your report on your AT hike. Well done! I hope one day I’ll find the time (or guts) to hike some long trail. But I’m from Belgium so need to plan." -Steven V. (and family)
"Four thumbs up! I wanted to let you know that I've been to two healthcare professionals, who, upon learning of your Blood Cleaner device, encouraged me to continue using it, saying that it sounds plausible as a treatment for blood-borne pathogens." -Donna C.
"I just ordered one of your two person quilt kits after enjoying your tarp kit so much!" -Scott M., WA
"I really admire how you and Ray live your lives. And as a rock climbing engineer, Ray has been one of my heroes for many years. I even used spring loaded camming devices as the subject of a paper in engineering school. Thanks, also, for sharing your knowledge on lightweight backpacking. I’m grateful for all that you two have done to make backpacking more enjoyable." -Jason S.
"Package arrived safe in Kansas. Thank you. When I opened it, my cat Cosmo made sure it passed inspection. He also really likes the kraft paper that all my new stuff came wrapped in! I got my hands on a sewing machine, looking forward to making & checking out this gear." - David W.
"I read Trail Life after a great backpacking trip to Isle Royale National Park. My goal is to greatly reduce my pack weight for the next time. I bought a sewing machine, and am working on the Backpack Kit. Thank you for your guidance!" -Jim C.
"I hiked the AT with my son, and we used your back packs and quilts I made almost 10 yrs ago. The gear the system the philosophy, everything worked." -Rich D., IN
"I'm really enjoying making your wonderful 'back pack kit' with my children. Thank you so much!" -Atsuko K., Japan
"My son and I took our Ray-Way tarps to Philmont this year and they were awesome. The head ranger was not happy with our tarps. Said they did not meet the Philmont Standard ... a tent. Anyway, since we were already on the trail, we were able to complete the trek with them. It was awesome, rain, hail, wind, always dry and what views the entire trek. We use the tarps all year here in MN and wherever we go. It is amazing to see how much better they work than tents, especially for eliminating condensation and we love the open views. The tarps have been a big success so tonight, I'm ordering a quilt for myself and a tarp kit for one of my Assistant Scoutmasters! Ray & Jenny - thanks for the awesome design, complete kits and quality materials!" Ken D., MN
"Dear J & R - Had I selected a better used sewing machine, I might have gotten here WAY sooner. I struggled to balance the stitching on a klunker. When finally I was lent a well maintained old Kenmore, I cruised. I got thru your 2P tarp, tarp stowbag, and 1P woodland quilt. All of which came together at this campsite. I will always remember the special feeling of lying under my self constructed shelter for the first time, listening to the sound of a late summer sound prairie night. Thank you for your admirable kits which allowed a dog pushing 60 to learn some new tricks! Thanks! (PS-Your Tarp Essentials book IS essential.)" - Matthew
"I just finished the JMT and finally put the tarp to the test. We had some intense storms at Lake Marjorie just north of Pinchot Pass. It was plain awesome! It was the windiest, rainiest and most lightening I've camped in and most intense storm I've seen. I remained completely dry inside the net-tent and under my quilt. I knew the tarp should hold up, but now I know viscerally how strong the shelter system is! Thanks again for producing such great products." - David C.
"I've ordered tarps, sleeping quilts, knives and books in the past, starting in 2006. I'm now making your equipment for a friend. Thanks for your continued service." -Stewart C.
"I love the kits, especially the tarp. I use mine as my main shelter up here in Northern BC. My family doesn't all fit under one tarp anymore! I would like to order another." Dale B.
"your 2-person tarp performed flawlessly in our last outing, bivouacing at 1900m in a pretty stiff breeze (Fahn), temperatures around 10° (50°F). The next official weather station (Adelboden) recorded gales up to 52km/h that night. We were on 1900 and certainly got our share of that: Anything not weighed down with a rock or staked to the ground would be blown away" I actually was surprised how little your tarp was affected by the wind." - Urs G.
"Ray and Jenny, I've been a long time fan of yours and have embraced the Ray-Way style." -Dave B.
"Reporting that the Ray-Way quilt worked great, car camping in northern New York, night temps down to 34. This 58yo woman, a cold cold sleeper, finally slept well -really well -camping on the chilly nights. No more wrestling with a mummy bag. All my positioning pillows for achy joints accommodated by the quilt. Husband delighted, no more cursing and snarling all night from me cause now I can sleep. Maybe I'll make him one too." -Terry S.
"I am a guide all over North America and I use your designs daily and talk about your Kits with most of my guests. I currently use two different Ray-Way backpack sizes, a solo and a two person quilt, a tarp, and have adopted many of your backpacking techniques and aesthetics. THEY MAKE SENSE, WORK BETTER and LAST LONGER! Thank you so much for all of your beautiful work!" -Jeremy C.
"I ordered a Ray-Way Tarp, and I'm thrilled with my new found ability to sew a flat-felled seam. I can't believe it. Though to be fair, I did it only after a bit of cussing. Its not that pretty, but its functional and I'm so proud. Thanks for what you do." -Leah B.
"I have such a large order to place that I cannot place it over your order form. Can you send me a paypal invoice or a link where I can enter my credit card?" -Jane A., Switzerland
"I gave away the last four Trail Life's I ordered a few weeks ago, now I'm ordering four more. Everyone appreciates the book." Mark F., WA
"I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan and am really enjoying your products. Just completed my 2P Ray-Way tarp and am very proud of my first time sewing project. Now working on the Batwing and I have the Ray-Way quilt arriving tomorrow." -Rich W., NJ
"I love your products. I made a Ray-Way quilt kit years ago and loved it, and I'm working on the backpack. Looking forward to ordering more items from your kits in the future! Thank you so much!!" -Frank D.
"I finished my pack yesterday morning! I think it came out very well, I am quite proud of it. For me the combination of the book and the video were superb, and you did a wonderful job with the instructional materials and the plans!" David d.
"Thank you so much for your wonderful kits and products! I have completed an alpine quilt, a tarp, a Spitfire, a batwing, four stowbags, and a single layer alpine quilt. I still have a couple of other kits to complete, but I consider my basic needs met...and grandly! I just took them one step at a time, and the projects kept on rolling out." - Ruth M
"Just finished my second Ray-Way backpack. Great kit. Thank you!" -David P.
"I love my Ray-Way backpack!" - Scott C.
"I just made a second quilt, this one with extra insulation for winter camping, and had one of the coziest nights ever at bitingly cold Joshua Tree over the weekend. This was under a tarp, while wearing the insulated hat. A Ray-Way triumvirate!" -Scott G.
"I have made my shell pants. I wanted the largest size in case I made mistakes and also so that I could wear them over regular cargo shorts, not just yoga shorts. And also because all pants out there are always too small in the thighs for me. I think I did a pretty good job sewing them. The instructions were very clear. After nearly ruining my leggings with the little plant stickers and watching ticks crawl up my legs, I was able to give the shell pants a good test. The ticks can't hang on, and the little plant stickers and burrs don't ruin my leggings. I also like that you can see my fancy yoga shorts underneath." -Diane S.
"Thank you for all your contributions you have provided to the world of backpacking. Your innovative efforts are the reason ultralight exists." -Constance D.
"I recently finished a quilt kit--thank you so much--it works great! Now that I've made one quilt, the next one will be a piece of cake. Thanks!" -Steven B.
"Genius Tarp Design: I'm 66 and still backpack the Rockies. In large part, because of the concepts and approach that you put forth in Beyond Backpacking. In truth, you not only kept me in the game but your light weight concepts and make-your-own-gear approach lead a large portion of the backpacking community away from the dictates of big business to a more intimate experience with nature. I'm sure that you have witnessed big business's attempts to commercialize your ideas, to no avail. They don't get it. But imitation is the highest form of flattery. I have been thinking of writing and thanking you for years. Well done!" -Paul B.
"I'm a big fan of Jenny and Ray. This is the second tarp I've built. The first went to a friend, now I need to make one for myself." -Todd G.
"The order placed today will be my seventh backpack!! Two for myself, and others as gifts. Planning on the AT with ALL Ray-Way gear." Craig H., GA
"I ordered an insulated hat kit for my husband. I made my hat over 15 years and I never leave on a backpack trip without it. I definitely agree with the assessment provided by Mike G on your website -- it is a really an "understated item." -Carol R.
"I love your kits and books! I have made 2 backpacks, a quilt and an assortment of stuff sacks and storage bags. Top notch materials, directions and patterns. After reading your excellent book Trail Life, I am ready to make some shell pants." - Scott C. CA
"I love Trail Life! I couldn't stop reading it. It is like reading candy." -Pamela A.
"I am British and live in Finland and a big fan of your Guys! I made a R-W tarp some years ago and the net-tent with a flap. They are awesome. I love your ideas, well done." -Chris T
"I am very grateful for the insight you provide in your writings, your encouragement that you provide in the kits, and guidance for folks like me who have never sewn in their life - as well as the incredible support you have provided when we go astray. It is obvious you take great pride in your products and truly care about your customers. Thanks again" Michael B., MD
"I just want to say thanks for the awesome tarp kit. I had a wonderful dry night despite the rain. Your Trail Life book has so many great tips to offer. A huge thanks to you!" -Valerie A., UK
"I've just returned from a six day hike of the Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier. I think that was the toughest ninety+ miler I've done but the weather was super and I had a really fun trip. I was glad to have a light setup using the Ray-Way backpack, tarp, spitfire, and quilt I've made from your kits." -Russell C., AZ
"I've been using the Blood Cleaner, and USED to get a cold every fall and spring during seasonal changes; but not last year. I don't think it's a coincidence." -Jeff D.
"I have been on the Blood Cleaner on the order of 100 hours, and it's holding up very well." -Peter O.
"I'm nearing completion of my Ray-Way backpacking kit. I'm enjoying the process and looking forward to using the backpack as soon as the trails open up again!" -Michael P.
"Just a note of appreciation for all you two do. I've been an avid follower of your hiking techniques since reading Beyond Backpacking in 2004, and while we have never met, your insight and knowledge has played such an important role in my life I felt compelled to write you both a "fan letter". I hope you start teaching classes again, because I'd be there for certain. See you on the trails!" -Clint B.
"Thanks for all your impact on the ultralight hiking community, and for offering such great products. Best regards from Germany" Jan W.
"Just wanted to tell you what an impact you guys have had on my life. I read your book in 2009, then purchased the backpack kit (which I'm still amazed I was able to sew), and promptly thru-hiked the AT in 2010. Anyhow, the confidence you guys exude in your books, and reading about other adventures via your website over the years has been motivational. I just ordered a couple new copies of Trail Life to create that spark of adventure in my life again! Hiking the AT was the best experience of my life, it's been a real touchstone, and it started with your book." -Craig T.
"I received my order yesterday, and really appreciate your business! Before you made your products available I was always searching for the materials you recommended and settling for what I could find. Now when I order from you I get the very best!" George M.
"I sewed a Ray-Way backpack and have used it on multiple section hikes (2,215 miles) on the PCT and other trails. It has worked very well, and has been integral in getting my base weight down to 12 pounds." -Dave P.
"Thanks for all your shared knowledge." -Laurence C., Montreal
"I started using the Blood Cleaner, and it's working wonderfully, as well as making Nano silver I'm getting Great results! I'm so impressed with this unit, and means a lot to me knowing they are hand made by Ray and Jenny, two very intelligent people! I just bought another 300 Blood Cleaner just to put away. Everyone should have one of these, healthy or not! Just makes so much common sense. Once again Thank you both so much!" -Sherry R., Canada
"This quilt kit is for my wife - she tried the one I made this summer (the alpine upgrade) and now won't part with it until I make her one too =)." -Nickolas G.
"I've used Ray-Way gear in the past on the PCT. Unfortunately, we had a fire and lost all of our camping gear and need to replace most of it. So my partner and I both want to order quilts, both heavy and at least one light one." -Maryn F.
"Thank you for all your hard work over these many years." -Katie G
"My shipment arrived very promptly and the instructions are very clear and well-written." Don H.
"We sewed like fiends for a month--two backpacks, a sleeping quilt, tarp, and net tent along with stowbags--and then took the gear on a five-day alpine trek. Everything worked so well that it was hard not to evangelize Ray-Way to our friends, who may have found our enthusiasm a little tiresome (they were carrying considerably more weight). Thanks for the excellent video guidance and the paper instructions as well as for writing Trail Life and The Tarp Book. We cite you constantly! We can hardly wait to go on our next trip . . . thanks for re-igniting our passion for trail life." -Catherine & Dan, BC Canada
"I have been contemplating making a Ray-Way backpack for sometime and am very excited as I finally ordered the kit! Jenny I really enjoyed reading about your adventures on the AT trail, it sounds like a wonderful adventure, Thanks for posting." -Michaela CP.
Hi Ray & Jenny! Hope you both are doing well. I was curious if you have an electronic version of Trail Life? I would love to upload it to my Kindle so I can read while on the trail. It would be a bit tough to carry around a book in the pack :)" -Derek U. (Ray replies: Thanks for your interest in Trail Life. We recommend reading the book at home, then when on the trail, try connecting better with nature: The wildlife, trees, plants, fragrances, the sounds - and so much more. When on the trial, nature is your teacher and entertainment. To find these things, you have to look for them. Thanks again and best wishes!)
"Thank you very much for the great communication and fast shipping! Unfortunately, now I must repackage everything and wrap each item in Christmas paper/ribbons as this is my gift to myself this year!" - doug s.
"I ordered Trail Life and it changed my whole backpacking paradigm. Now after 20 years of health issues, i have been able to hit the trails once again. So I'm putting another order together. Thank You!" -Ron T
"THANK YOU for all that you have done to make it possible for amateur beginners like myself to make our own quality pieces of gear. I have completed the Net tent, Tarp, insulated hat, and 1P Quilt, and all have been a truly incredible learning experience. The quality of your designs have so many in-built subtleties and details that emerge as the sewing journey unfolds, and yet it all flows naturally with the use of only a simple, carefully chosen materials. The fact that the process has been easy enough for a beginner like me to successfully complete is an astounding design achievement. I am truly in awe!" Raymond Y., Western Australia
"I just finished the tarp project and am excited by the results. It was my first sewing project ever, and I can't wait to try it out." Noah B.
"I am on my second tarp kit from you guys and my first net-tent, and still happily using a sleeping quilt I made from a Ray-Way kit." -Mikela S.
"Thank you Ray and Jenny for all of your wonderful gear kits! I love everything I've made, including the tarp and quilt, and my size small 2600 volume pack which I LOVE. I used them last year for my PCT thru hike. I loved the book Trail Life, too." - Aika M.
"The Quilt kit turned out great, only 1.25 lbs per person with the Gorget and Splitzip options. The Stowbags are the only way to go. I just ordered a Ray-Way backpack kit. Thanks so much for making such great kits that are beyond reasonably priced." -Mark H.
"Trail Life is the most read-over book I've ever owned!" -Michael M., BC.
"Just want to let you know your customer service is Johnny on the spot. Do y’all have a patch that I can put on my pack? Reading some of your books, I know you don’t like to advertise for other companies, but this is your company that we’re talking about. I’d be happy to help promote your products on the AT 2023" -Leo W.
"My wife likes my quilt so much that she doesn't want it finished (i. e. close the foot end). So, I'll let her have that one and I'll make another one (this one with alpine insulation). We'll get to try both." Michael B., MD
"Although I have some sewing experience, I am glad I got the backpack video. The materials and instructions for the backpack kit are incredible - well engineered, elegant design, and much appreciated. Lightweight does not have to be fragile, and now that I have made this pack I can see it lasting for a long, long time. I wish I had this during my boy scout days. Would have made those hikes less painful. Can't wait to put some miles on this pack!" - Brooks P.
"I received my quilt kit just a few days after I ordered it. I thought the kit was excellent. It took me exactly six hours to make from opening the box to sewing the last stitch. Just wanted you to know I'm a very satisfied customer." -Patrick M.
"You have the COOLEST products. This is my second quilt from you." -Fred W.
"I am sewing the kits with great enjoyment and sense of accomplishment. I finished the stowbag, and am now working on the quilt. Planning to do the backpack next, then the tarp & net-tent. I think that your materials, designs and instructions are simply superb. I can hardly wait to get out in the Sierra this summer and use the new gear." Steve S.
"I’ve never met you or Ray, but you are both a blessing to me! I’m also a rock climber, so I read a lot about Ray years ago. I’m sorry to say after using my Ray-Way gear for several years, I tried dyneema tents for a while. I don’t like tents. The Ray-Way tarp is the best shelter I’ve ever had. So I’m back. Thank you so much for all you both do!" -Orvil F.
"I just placed an order for your tarp and net tent kits after a friend recommended your products - thank you so much for your wonderful work! best regards from Vienna, Austria" -Kathi H.
"Several years ago I ordered a quilt. It has been doing its job, keeping me warm on my AT section hiking in Spring." -Primo F.
"I am 14 years old and have recently finished a tarp kit from you. The tarp works great and I plan to use it during my scout troop's 50 miler on the Appalachian Trail. I am going to make a backpack kit next. Thank you for your great products." Ben B.
"I am thru hiking the AT and now under my Ray-Way tarp and quilt in the middle of a thunderstorm 19 miles north of Harpers Ferry and am dry as toast. Lots of people have recognized the tarp as being a Ray-Way product so I must have done an ok job of sewing." James G.
"I'm not a hiker, but a biker. But also for me the information given in Trail Life Lightweight Backpacking is very, very, very helpful. Worth its weight in gold. After all, it doesn't just help you to reduce gear's weight, but also seems to help reducing your mind's weight. Ray and Jenny, I thank you so much! Keep it up!" -Hans A. Germany
"I have just ordered my second backpack from you. The first was for me, the second for my daughter. She is really looking forward to making her backpack, with my mum. I have finished my backpack and it is amazing, can't wait to use it as we walk. Te Araroa." -Jay J., NSW
"I just finished the one person quilt with alpine upgrade. It is way lighter than the dinosaur it is replacing. Now I'll need to do extensive testing!!" -Jeremy C.
"Let me again take a moment to thank you for your books and kits. I absolutely adore the gear I've made (including 4 quilt kits) and always look forward to using them." -Kerry, MI
"I really loved making this 2-P Ray-Way Quilt. It was a great way to get some sewing time, and was fun to make something that I never thought of even making until then. We used the quilt on almost every single night for a month in Costa Rica and Patagonia, and it was a big success! It was warm and wide enough (the two things I was worried about), and it was super light to carry and easy to shove into our backpacks. With a tendency to get cold easily, I usually sleep with clothes on when camping, so I wasn't at all bothered by the fact that there was no fabric between my body and my sleeping pad. The quilt added something special to our trip, knowing that every night we slept in a quilt that we had both contributed to making." -Melanie Z., Vancouver
"My partner and I recently hiked the appalachian trail and used a Ray Jardine homemade tarp for the journey. We love that tarp so much, it was our home." -Rainbow
"My package arrived this afternoon! Thanks again for the unmatched customer service and fast shipping. I will definitely recommend you to friends and family!" Joe W., TN
"Longtime customer of your kits, and I'm getting ready to sew a new tarp from a kit I bought to replace my older tarp that finally needs replacing. Thank you for the years of pleasure I've gotten from your kits and I hope I will have many more years of being able to buy your kits. I'm very proud to use gear that I built, and your designs and materials are absolutely perfect for the intended function." -John W.
"Can't wait to receive the Ray-Way kits!!!" -Kathy S.
"I have to say again Ray and Jenny, how much I love using my 2200 Ray-Way backpack. I want to use it for the AZ trail." -David DL.
"Hey guys, I sewed all your gear and love it!" -Casey A.
"Ray and Jenny, thanks for your dedication to innovating Lightweight adventuring! I have been a fan of yours since the '90s. I have been using your Blood Cleaner for about 2+ weeks now, and everything has been doing well! Thanks for making this available to the rest of us!" - Mark T.
"Hey Ray & Jenny, The last Ray-Way backpack I made has done over 10,000 miles, but I need a new one. I still have my old video for making the pack, hopefully it still applies to the one I ordered here. Still the best backpack out there!" Scott Williamson, CA
"I was happy to receive the kits from you; thanks for the prompt shipment. I'm about 75% done with sewing the tarp, and I want to compliment you both on the detailed and understandable instructions. My partner, who has been sewing for years, is impressed that I have learned how to sew a flat-felled seam before her!" -Michael K.
"I completed my 2 person split-zip quilt kit, my third, this time using one layer of Woodland. My wife and I tried it out this weekend on a 2 day mountain bike-packing trip. It was absolutely perfect! We stayed comfortable and dry under our Ray Way tarp and Net-Tent as temps dropped from a humid 85F to a breezy 60F during the over night pop-up thunderstorms. Next on the list is completion of our new 2,200 in3 Ray Way packs that should work extremely well for our mountain bike-pack trips. Thanks for making these kits and your knowledge available!" Kerry R., MI
"I'm looking forward to working on my Backpack Kit!" -John M.
"I have built most of your kits over the past few years and find the finished products to be functionally superior to anything on the market today. The backpack is the first one to fit me perfectly. My wife and I will never use a tent on the trail again, as your tarp is vastly more enjoyable to sleep beneath, and the 2P quilt we've used happily for a year now. And the one kit that has given me the most down-right pleasure is the knife kit." - Tom C., AZ
"I received the backpack kit and video, along with the quilt, etc. The video hits just the right spot for demonstration and explanation of the steps involved. I know it's not meant to replace the instructions, but seeing it done is a great help and worth every penny. Thank you again for doing the video, this way many people can take a sewing class with you. I also want to note that your instructions for the tarp kit are clear and easy to follow as well as helpful in teaching sewing techniques, i.e. a balanced stitch and different types of seams. Needless to say, what you provide at any cost is a bargain, so much gratitude to you and Jenny." -Steve B.
"Finished my 2200 Ray-Way pack and used it on the Finger Lakes Trail. My only regret is that I didn't discover your website or the Ray-Way sooner. Such light weight packing would have made backpacking so much more enjoyable when I was in my 20's! I love this pack. Thank you Ray and Jenny." -David D.
"I have just completed my first quilt. it was amazingly easy to put together, your directions were complete and simple to follow. Thank you so much." -Jill H.
"This will be my second Ray-Way backpack. You wouldn't believe all the places the first one's been. Thank you!!" -Melissa
Hi Ray, We haven't met, but I'm the Editor of Rock and Ice magazine. We are doing a special edition on El Capitan free climbing and we'd like to include you." -Francis S.
"We'll have another order coming your way soon if this quilt sewing project goes well. Thanks!" -Josiah G.
"Hi Jenny and Ray, I just ordered your Blood Cleaner. I love your products (3 quilts, 3 books, 2 videos, a backpack and 2 stowbags), your instruction manuals and your website. I love your thorough and responsible planning and preparing for your trips and projects, your curiosity and love for nature (and each other) and that you share them with us. Thank you!" - Carsten, Germany
"We are planning to start our trip soon and eager to get started sewing. Excited to make another Ray-Way kit. I still use the sleeping quilt I made 20 years ago!" -Peter S.
Given Ray's engineering background, the Blood Cleaner is more credible than units from fly by night operators." - Frank V., ID
"I just finished a very successful weeklong shakedown hike on the AT, north out of Harpers Ferry. I was extremely happy with my tarp, spitfire, 2800 backpack and two-layer alpine quilt. I wouldn't change a thing. Using products that I made with my own hands brought me so much pleasure on the trail. And the fact that they all functioned so well and made my hiking and camping so much easier, completed the picture." -Ruth M.
"My wife and I recently did a nice 7 day hike on the North Country trail here in Michigan, using Ray-Way Backpacks, Tarp, Net-Tent and Quilt. One of the nights we weathered a torrential downpour during a heavy (but windless) thunderstorm. We had never seen rain like that. We found out from a local person the following afternoon that it had rained at a rate of 5" per hour where we were-- torrential indeed. We stayed completely dry under the tarp, if not kept awake by the extraordinary noise of that rain. Site selection gleaned from your books also played a role-- no pooling to speak of on our elevated site on a very thick bed of pine needles." Kerry R., SW Michigan
"I finished the quilt for two people. My daughter lives in the Yukon and I wanted to make her one. I was scared, as its been awhile and I had forgotten how, but I remember "just one step at a time". I thought of you both all the while. Thank you so very much for sharing your clever brain and clear directions. I just love ulta lite and your amazing ingenuity. Thank you for taking the time and helping all of us." -Lynnie W.
"Just finished a ton of fun trips all over Alaska. I decided to experiment and use traditional backpacking gear for a couple of trips in the northern latitudes of AK. Yet in every scenario the tent failed miserably in multi-day wind, rain, and damp conditions. The whole time, Gena and I wished we had our homemade Ray-Way tarp and bug tent, even above the Arctic Circle. I know from our previous trips in the Brooks Range the tarp would have out performed the tent in all these places. Can't say enough good things about your designs!!! Been saying it for years." -James Gibling, AK
"Your sewing kits are the best! Plus, it is so much fun to make my own gear - I'm up late every night at the sewing machine, listening to books on tape and stitching away. The instructions are very good, obviously carefully written and reviewed, so they are quite clear and complete. Everything about these products is first class. The backpack and extra thick sleeping quilt passed their first test this month on a 24 mile winter backpacking hike. The Trail Life book is a treasure of experience and information. Thank you so much for everything." Stephen K., KY
"Just let me say that Ray is THE God of backpacking in my book. When I read the Hiker's Handbook some 20 years ago I was blown away and Ray forever changed my outlook on the great outdoors. And he singlehandedly created an ultralight movement and a cottage industry to support it!" -Mark C.
"I have been wanting to order one of your Backpack Kits for a while now, I am super excited!" -Nick B.
"Thank you Jenny and Ray for all the knowledge & effort & passion. It's letting me live life the way I want to." -Nate H.
"SOOO looking forward to receiving my quilt kit. I am leaving for a 9 day trip on North Manitou Island in Michigan. Last minute, but I will make it an all-nighter sew-a-thon to get it done. Safe travels to all and God Bless." -Jason E.
"I love your kits! I've made Ray-Way backpacks, a tarp, a net-tent, a quilt and a number of knives." -Zach B.
"Hello Ray, I'm writing you to say thank you. My mother took your outward-bound class many years ago. Over the course of my life she has recollected on this, saying that it was one of the best experiences of her life. From solo camping for 2-3 days in the wilderness of the pacific northwest to hiking on glaciers must have been a thrilling experience. My mother's stories of you have helped shaped me into the adult I am today. I'm in the process of planning trips and constantly referencing your books and guides to help in the process. Your wealth of knowledge has benefited me in so many ways. I think there's no greater joy in life than spending it outside either atop a mountain or deep in the forest. Since I've heard so many stories about you; it would be amazing if I could speak to you or meet you at some point in life. I wish you all the best and thank you for all that you've done to influence not only me but so many other people who love the great outdoors." - Kevin B.
"I have bought a lifetime supply of Blood Cleaners because I have always thought that you will be overwhelmed at some point with orders or supply shortage." -Crag C.
"I just wanted to make a comment about the thread you sell. After playing with the bobbin tension per the instructions, this thread sews perfectly. It's stronger than store bought, and seems to feed better. Also, virtually no lint buildup in the bobbin case. I've sewed 2 tarps and several stuff sacks with it, and I am a lifelong customer." - Robert G., TX
"Enjoying my R-W projects. Knife glued, shaping is fun. Yikes, will be pretty primitive but functional. The Quilt Kit next." Dave J.
"Yesterday I made a purchase for one of your backpack kits (the 2600 size). I will be using the pack to trek from France to northwestern Spain (Santiago de Compostella)." -Richard S., France
"I found 'Trail Life' so fascinating. Just as relevant now as when Ray wrote it. Even more so, if the reader scratches beneath the surface." -Guy S., Dubai
"I ordered another Blood Cleaner for mum and Dad. They seem pretty excited by the idea." - Ben D.
"I have read "Trail Life" many times. Now my girlfriend is reading it aloud to us at night before we go to bed. Several months ago, we started training for the PCT. You two inspire us! We hope you are doing well." -Todd G.
"I love this quilt! I have used it on several trips this year on the AT and will not go back to a sleeping bag. I have slept very warm in temperatures down to the high 30's. It is built with two layers of woodland." - William D.
"I'm an Eagle Scout from Indiana, and I just got back from a 2 week trip to Philmont scout ranch in New Mexico. I took your tarp and net tent, and they worked great! We stayed nice and dry, and it's much lighter and roomier than a tent. I love your stuff, and I continue to use ideas from your Trail Life book whenever I camp. Thanks for all you do for the hiking/backpacking experience." Mark M., IN
"Thanks for the excellent kits. My older daughter outgrew her Ray-Way quilt so it is time to make a new one." -Peter J.
"I’m living in Belgium and while searching and reading about reducing my pack weight and size, I recently found your site and products. I have read a lot of positive reviews and found it a very interesting way of hiking. So I ordered a tarp kit, spitfire net and your book combo." -Davy D., Belgium.
"My wife has kidney disease and used to get a lot of bladder infections. Your Blood Cleaner has pretty much eliminated them so she uses it daily for at least an hour." -Brian K.
"I've enjoyed making your kits from quilt to backpack to knife to storage bagk and now I've purchased the hiking shorts and Shell pants." -Anthony J.
"You and Ray are both awesome - I bought Beyond Backpacking about 15 years ago and it totally transformed my outdoor adventures - so excited to be trying one of your backpack kits. - And thx to Ray for transforming my climbing life with Friends too (!)" -Olly S., Scotland
"By sewing my own gear from the kits that you have meticulously designed and refined, I not only now have gear that is of the highest caliber but I also now have the skills to make this gear myself." David d.
"I Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate tremendously what you do with your knowledge and products, which totally transformed my and my wife's backpacking methodology. The ideas we learned extend into the rest our lives far further than we'd ever have expected, as we apply much of Ray-Way philosophy to our every day lives. To date I've made 2 Quilts, a 2-person net tent (I added a zipper) for my Ray-Way tarp, 2 bat wings, 1 backpack, several storage/stow bags, not to mention countless repairs and modifications to existing gear, all from the kits, books, knowledge, philosophy garnered from Ray-Way products. I hope you continue to provide your guidance and kits - much needed in our over-consumption driven society." Kerry R., Michigan
"I purchased a bunch of gear from y'all this summer, and was on a weeklong solo trip in the Colorado Rockies and tested the tarp, sleeping hat, and shell pants. They all worked flawlessly. This was my first trip using a tarp and I loved feeling so much less separated from nature than with a tent. Having my wet gear actually dry overnight due to the increased ventilation vs. a tent was awesome. One night had high winds (~30mph gusts) and a few inches of snowfall, and the tarp held up great. Thank you! I also bought a copy of "Trail Life" and it has been invaluable as I work to lighten my pack load and increase my outdoor enjoyment. An absolute treasure trove of knowledge." -John M.
"Just wanted to say thank you for your great kits. I was a bit skeptic about the Quilt's temperature rating, and i didn't want to freeze, so i ordered the extra layer. I have never used a quilt before (or a high performance lightweight bag either....) so when I finished sewing it I decided to test it. The weather was perfect - cold and clear with just a breeze blowing from the north. There was a thick layer of snow covering everything and reflecting the clear moonlight. I had a wonderful nights sleep there in my backyard on the snow with my sleeping pad and my new warm quilt and nothing but stars above me. I checked the temperature and was very impressed when i saw it was -10C (14F) !!! I felt that the Draftstopper and Gorget really helped me in keeping warm." -Jonas N., Sweden
"I'm in the process of assembling my backpack kit that arrived last week, and I'm having a blast working on this project." -Isaac B.
"I've enjoyed reading of your adventures for years, and I have several of your books. Thank you so much for your service, and keep up the good work." -dave b.
"I pulled out your books from my shelf and have been reading. My 88 year old mother has been reading Trail Life now and is enamored with your writing and ideas. We have been talking about them for a couple of weeks now. “I would do this if I were younger” she says." -Ed G.
"My son has a copy of Trail Life and I want my own, plus a gift for my other son. You and Ray are amazing and inspiring. Warm regards and thank you for what you do!" -Joe D.
"I am a big fan of your wisdom, and hope to put it into practice soon, with this order! Thank you so much." -Michael S.
"So far, i've made your tarp, sleeping quilt, knife, batwing, and now this will be my second backpack. You seriously provide the best products of anywhere out there - no competition! I don't think people realize what a huge value your kits are. I would pay double the price of these kits. Thanks for providing such incredible materials, books, and service!" -Agnieszka G.
"I've really enjoyed sewing all the kits I've ordered from you." -Chris J., CA
"Thank you for your wonderful kits. They are much more than a weekend project, they are passports to freedom - spiritual, physical, and material." Elleyne B.
"Never, ever, will I forget that it was you - Ray - who saved my life [Blood Cleaner], and I will always feel grateful and very blessed to have come across your path... thank you!" -Sherry
"The Ray-Way quilts are awesome; I haven't used a sleeping bag once since making my first quilt a year or so ago. This includes two trips in snow, and a few near-freezing temp trips in the desert. When people are worried about the feasibility of going ultralight, the Ray-Way quilts are exhibit number one in convincing them that ultralight is not about skimping on safety and comfort. Not only are the quilts lighter than conventional equipment, but they are better: every bit as warm, easier to adjust to comfort, less constricting, and more adaptable to multiple uses (e.g., as a blanket around camp). The kits were straightforward to put together with clear instructions taking you through the process step-by-step. I am an ultra-satisfied customer." -Scott G.
"I bought an Apocalyptic Blood Cleaner from you. Wow! I have more energy, less reaction to allergies, less inflammation in general, and generally, I feel more alert. This is especially stunning since I had tick-borne diseases for 17 years - Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia. I was backpacking in Scotland and got several bites. I have been feeling sluggish with some malaise the past year, and your Blood Cleaner is profoundly helping me shift that. Thank you so very much! You are both incredibly inspiring. I've followed you since the early days. My first full climbing rack in the 90s included Friends and I've used suggestions from Trail Life for both work (Outward Bound and wilderness adventures and personal adventures. I am grateful for the work you do and share with the rest of us." -Tracey B.
"I have been enjoying my quilt for years. It has served me well in all circumstances!" -Jerry K.
"Can't wait for the Trail Life book - I love to camp but haven't done much backpacking in recent decades. I want to hike the Georgia section of AT. At age 58, I'm hoping light weight will be the ticket." -Mark T. [Note from Jenny regarding AT hike: You are correct: Lightweight is the ticket. My lightweight Ray-Way gear was key to my successful 2021 thru-hike. Also key was good footwear. Ray's chapter on Footwear is spot-on. You can do it!!] "Thanks so much - I needed to hear that! I'm also planning to purchase the backpack kit."
"Wow fantastic service. Many thanks!" - Andy D., UK
"I'm excited to make the quilt, thanks so much. And thanks for all you and Ray do to inspire adventure!" -Tom B.
"We have made tarps, quilts and stowbags with total satisfaction. Keep up the good work." Phillip B., Australia
"I don't think most people appreciate the deal they are getting from your kits. I was looking up commercial lightweight packs and the closest pack to yours was still 1 lb heavier, poorly constructed and cost $300!!! Well, I'll just add a tip on my next order :) Thank you so much for always being so helpful! You run a great business and I tell everyone I can!" - James G., AK
"Thanks for offering the kits Ray. You have made my wife a garage widow with all the sewing I'm doing. We just spent 4 days in the Golden Trout Wilderness in the Sierra Nevada using your gear. I think we saved a hour a day just because we didn't have to mess with hipbelts." Rick R.
"Before ordering my kits from you I had never sewed anything, in fact I did not even own sewing machine. I just finished the first project, an insulated hat. I love it! There is one slight problem though, my wife and my kids all want me to make them one too." Randy B.
"Thanks for providing such awesome, and well-thought kits. My son (now 15) and I made one of your two person tarps last summer. He's a very active Eagle Scout and has been using it exclusively ever since, even in the winter. He says he'll never use a tent again. The tarp is 1/3 the weight of his "lightest" backpacking tent. He camped under it this winter in temperatures below 20F at night and he said he was warmer under the tarp than he's ever been in a tent in winter. He's also read your book Trail Life cover to cover several times and says he learns something new every time. He's one of your biggest fans. Keep up the good work." Scott M., IN
I am happy to have found your products. I have a Ray-Way pack, tarp and trousers. They are all good. It is inspiring what is possible, when everything unnecessary is left off. Please stay in business for a while." -Eduard M., Germany
"I finished the pct in 2021. The Ray-Way backpack, net tent and tarp held up perfectly even with my poor sewing. Thanks for making the hike possible at a price I could afford." -Barry R.
"Hi Jenny and Ray, I really enjoyed meeting you at Patriot Hills, Antarctica when you started your expedition to the South Pole, and I was fascinated to see that Ray wrote a book "Extreme Fun" about your expedition." -Steve Jones, Expeditions Manager, Antarctic Logistics.
"I'm 25 days into my treatment. We love the Blood Cleaner and look forward to using it long term." - Whitcomb K.
"Thanks a lot for your effort! You really offer the finest materials, we both LOVE the Quilts, the lightweight nylon fabrics in their beautiful colours, they have real mood improving qualities! And it's relaxing to follow your instructions, they're so well thought out! Thanks for your good work by which you also improve our lives." Kirsten G., Germany
"I bought your tarp and backpack kits a few years ago, and am so happy with both." -Noah, ME
"I have to say again Ray and Jenny, how much I love using my 2200 Ray-Way backpack." -David DeL.
"I finally thru hiked the AT with my son. I was a student of Ray's in a 1975 Outward Bound course. He has been a life long guru to me. Thank you Ray!" - Rob S., NH
"Dear Ray and Jenny, Thank you very much for your book "Trail life" and videos "Caper" and "2010 AT Gear" - something excellent to read and to see! Now my wife and I would like to order a bundle of Ray-Way products. With best wishes" Michael V., Moscow, Russia
I'm super excited to make my own pack! I actually just bought a very expensive ultralight pack, and ended up on you website while researching hip belts. Your philosophy resonated with me and the website made me feel empowered to actually make my own gear! I love making my own things; I built my bike (including the wheels!), I build my own light fixtures, but sewing always seemed out of my reach. Now I feel like I can actually do it! I will return the expensive pack and have money left over for more adventure! I also feel like I'll be able to create my own gear and customize it just for me. Anyway, thanks a bunch, all the best, and happy hiking!" -Todd H.
"I made a Ray-Way backpack kit in 2011 and after perhaps 6,000 miles of backpacking it is being retired, and I'm ordering another one. I absolutely love it and it is nice having a backpack that weighs less than my friends tiny day packs! Many thanks for the kits, they are brilliant." -Robin A., UK
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