Powered by Ray's "raptor_engine, ver 5" written and scripted by R. Jardine
Beyond Backpacking is a major upgrade to The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker's Handbook. The PCT specific details have been removed, and a great deal of general info has been added, making it universally applicable to all trails, long or short. Most importantly, this book is for all hikers at all levels of experience, from beginners to the most advanced.
In Beyond Backpacking we learn about the myths in today's heavy-duty hiking and camping gear and clothing, and we see - with several examples - how we tend to acquire our equipment-related mis-beliefs from the advertising industry. Heavy gear, Ray says, saps energy and strength. It makes us more prone to injury. And it reduces our potential for enjoyment. And according to Ray, heavy, clumsy gear tends to discourage us from venturing into the backcountry.
With these myths bulldozed aside, Ray proceeds to detail his light-weight hiking clothing and gear. In one of the latter chapters he describes, step by step, how to make this clothing and equipment. In the book he also details the use of the gear. And of course he explains how the gear ties in with his lightweight hiking philosophies.
In this new book we find a very full chapter on food. We learn how vitally important nourishing food is for the hiker, and that most backpacking-type foods fall miserably short in providing nutrition. The book identifies what foods to steer clear of, and what foods are best. Another chapter describes the pros and cons of various backpacking stoves, and it describes the "cook-fire" method of cooking on an open fire with almost no adverse ecological impact.
In another of the book's 55 chapters we learn that running shoes are far more suitable for hiking any trail, long or short - and exactly why. Another chapter describes the author's techniques of "stealth camping," and shows how this method reduces our impact on the land while at the same time helping us avoid bears and other marauding animals large and small. Also covered are chapters on dealing easily with "obstacles" encountered in the wilderness such as rain, cold, snow, mosquitoes and blackflies, snakes, ticks, poison ivy and oak, and a host of others. We also find invaluable advice on personal security, with tips on preventing theft, avoiding assault, and so forth.
One chapter is devoted to personal hygiene in the wilds, and it shows how good hygiene can improve our comfort level dramatically, with such things as bathing with soap - "dundo style" and laundering our clothing easily. The book also covers hiking-related stress injuries, how to avoid them and what to do in the event of one.
For those thinking of setting off on a longer journey afoot, Ray shows how to turn those dreams into reality. He tells how to finance such a journey, how to find partners, how to organize the resupplies, how to stay focused, and how to supercharge that daily mileage. And in a most interesting chapter he shows that achieving hiking enjoyment is a skill, and he gives a number of ways to achieve the most enjoyment from any wilderness outing.
Like Ray's previous books, Beyond Backpacking is unique. The information it contains is original, and not available anywhere else. So whether you plan to head into the wilds for an afternoon or an entire summer, this book will help you get the most from your precious time in the backcountry.
All too often the term "backpacking" conjures images of plodding along the trail with a crushing load on one's back, and with a pair of large, awkward boots encumbering the feet. For decades this "Standard Backpacking Method" was the norm. The deep fatigue, the pain in the knees, and the blisters on the feet-these were accepted, albeit regrettably, as part of the experience.
I started breaking away from this style in the early 1970's, looking for ways of facilitating the hiking without sacrificing the comfort and safety. For nearly thirty years I have devoted my energies mainly to adventuring, and this has given me plenty of opportunity to apply my aerospace engineering approach to the design and construction of my own lightweight outdoor gear and clothing, and to refine my hiking and camping techniques accordingly. From 1987 to 1994 my wife Jenny and I logged over 15,000 miles of hiking, including five summer-long journeys each in excess of 2,000 miles. All the while I examined and reexamined our hiking equipment and methods with an eye to refinement. In effect, each journey became something of a multi-month field test, as we put our ideas into practice. These ideas had to work because we depended on them. But sometimes they did not work very well, and we always seemed to return home with new ideas for the next trip. The process has been evolutionary, and it has led to a new approach, a lightweight system of gear and philosophy-tried, tested, modified, and tested again.
My quest has not focused on what works best for Jenny and myself alone. I am also concerned with what works for other hikers-those with varying levels of experience and skill, diverse hiking goals, and who hike and camp in different regions. To that end, in 1992 I chronicled the initial phases of my lightweight gear and associated techniques in my now out-of-print Pacific Crest Trail Hiker's Handbook. This was the first time that such ideas had been widely popularized, and since then the concept of lightweight hiking has taken a strong hold. But that original book was not the end of the journey. Over the years I have continued to refine my packweight and develop methods of even greater effectiveness.
At this point in time it seems fitting to organize my ideas into this new book: Beyond Backpacking. In these pages you will find much of that original, tried-and-true information detailing my recommended gear and clothing, the associated techniques of using it to best advantage, and my camping methods in general. You will also find stories from my own experiences that led to their development.
In the Handbook I described the benefits of this specialized, lightweight clothing and equipment, yet I left no way for readers to obtain it, other than to contrive it for themselves. So in this new book I devote a full chapter to making your own gear, showing how to get started, where to get the materials and patterns, and detailing the many interesting possibilities. Of course, not everyone will want to make their own. To this end I also worked with an independent manufacturer with an eye toward making my ultralight gear commercially available. So whether you prefer to make your own or buy it, the gear is now procurable. And in this book you will learn how to use that gear to best advantage.
The Standard Backpacking Method with its profusion of heavy-duty equipment actually prevents us from reaching our full potential as accomplished wilderness enthusiasts. The all-inclusive, "everything-but-the-kitchen-sink" approach only detracts from our outings. I am not promoting minimalism, but simply a reduction in what is not necessary. And I have found that this reduction, when thoughtfully and skillfully done, actually enhances both our safety and comfort.
Underlying the physical skills, techniques and gear is a far more fundamental and philosophical aspect to my lightweight approach. I feel that our wilderness outings should be more than just physical walks along trails, and our camping experiences more than pitching a tent and zipping ourselves inside. More important is our presence in the wilds: how we carry ourselves, how softly we move upon the landscape, how aware we are of the patterns of life around us and how we interact with them. This "earth philosophy" is the motivation behind all my lightweight gear, techniques and methods. And it is the underpinning of this book. I and many others both present and past refer to it as the Connection. It is a bridging of the gap between human and nature, a bringing together for a greater awareness and deeper understanding-of the natural world around us in all its glory, of our relationship with that world, and of our own inner nature.
So whether you are planning a weekend cross-country ramble, a two-week hike in a popular backcountry area, or perhaps a summer-long trek, Beyond Backpacking will help you simplify your gear and lighten your packweight. No matter what your level of experience or physical fitness, this book will show you how to increase your safety and enjoyment in the out-of-doors. And I hope that it will motivate you to continue walking your own path to that wilderness Connection.
"The magnum opus of adventure guru Ray Jardine - rock climber, hang glider pilot, scuba diver, around-the-world sailor and long-distance paddler extraordinaire." -Ethan B. , for Paddler Magazine, Jan 2000
"This is a book you will not tire of re-reading. I have read my copy multiple times and acquire new ideas from it every time I reread it. Using Ray's tips and techniques I have been able to increase my outdoor enjoyment tenfold." -Ken C.
"I bought Ray's book and devoured it, laughing all the way through in joy at his ingenuity, common sense and my own sheep-like, following the crowd without a second thought behavior. His ideas have opened up worlds of possibilities." -Paul K.
"I absolutely love this book and recommend it to all my hiking buddies. Besides lightening my pack immensely Ray has given me a greater appreciation for nature. His philosophies and advice have changed my life in the best of ways! P.S. That picture of "oversize load following" was me not too long ago. That cracked me up!" -James G.
"My knees and feet were beginning to show the cumulative effects of 40 years of carrying 60-70-pound packs, so I decided to try going light. Bought Beyond Backpacking, made the gear, and did a trial run. The results far surpassed my expectations. The change to light gear has added 30 years of backpacking to my life." -Dick G.
"I found Ray's philosophy and techniques to be inspiring, refreshing and smart. The book gave me the extra encouragement to break away for a few months from my rather ordinary life and pursue an experience that was so big that I still cannot find any words to describe it." -Stephanie B.
"I read Beyond Backpacking after 5 days on the AT with my "bone-crusher" pack and, jaw wide open, could not believe how much sense Ray's ideas made. Thanks to him for saving my back, knees (boy, did they hurt) and lots of cash." -Mark P.
"One does not have to be a rocket scientist to know lighter is better." -Tom J.
"After reading Beyond Backpacking I am more excited than ever to "hit the trail". Also, the idea of dropping the weight gives me confidence that I will now be able to continue backpacking for many more years. Thanks to Ray for keeping the wilderness open to me." -James M.
"Our outings have provided my kids with a sense of accomplishment and independence unobtainable in any other activity. Finding Ray's books has had a tremendous effect on this, and we are using many of the methods to great advantage." -Jim W.
"I have really enjoyed both of Ray's books. Traveling light is so obvious but nearly always discounted due to "conventional wisdom." So thanks to Ray for his free and forward thinking." -Mike Y.
"We liked the book so much we bought another copy for my niece. She said: "This is exactly what I needed to learn about, and the book is about so much more than backpacking--it's about life!" That sums it up for us!" -Hermann G.
"The overriding life philosophy presented in this book - think and find what works best for you. I love it!" -John T.
"After reading Beyond Backpacking I experimented with virtually every idea in the book and found them all to be extremely useful, efficient, and safe. In short, Ray's methods allowed me to enjoy the outdoors at a level that I had never before experienced. The book is very well organized, clearly written, and presents ideas in such a way that makes one wonder "Why didn't I think of that before?" This is a must read for both experienced and beginning adventurers and is already a classic among experienced backpackers." -Richard M.
"This is the most phenomenal book on outdoor travel I have ever seen. After reading it I did a backpacking trip with 8 pounds of gear (excluding food and water), and it was by far the most enjoyable backpacking trip I have ever done. It made the trip seem like a pleasant stroll in the wilderness rather than hours of labor under a huge pack. It is often misunderstood that Jardine recommends these methods in order to go faster. I believe he recommends these methods because they are more fun, easier, and less expensive. This book would have saved me a lot of money, had I bought it sooner." -Ryan H.
"Thanks to Ray for reminding us to think instead of buy." -Mark N.
"Lightening the pack can be a spiritual path. I think this is why Ray's book is raging. He gently brings lightening the pack into the realm of conscious evolution. People are secretly starving for info like this. He brings backpacking into the realm of art. People love this. He's got everyone thinking and questioning assumptions. This is his gift to us all. He is a paradigm buster." -Doug W.
"I am planning a camping trip to Europe and after checking out the equipment at the local stores, I figured I couldn't afford camping in my backyard much less Europe. Beyond Backpacking saved my trip! It's awesome!" -Ken O.
"I haven't tried everything in Ray's book yet, but everything I have tried has worked. Ray's innovative challenge to conventional backpack thinking is nothing short of revolutionary." -Troy H.
"Beyond Backpacking is a relatively new and innovative approach to lightweight backpacking. I believe that Ray Jardine's techniques and philosophy will revolutionize hiking and camping. Currently, thousands of hikers are beginning to enjoy the benefits of going light; whether the hike is a five or thirty mile hike. Eventually, millions throughout the world will derive these benefits." -Herbert R.
"Mr. Jardine's book is the most useful book on the topic of backpacking that I have read. It's greatest value is that it encourages the reader to think for him or herself. It asks the question, "is the way we have been backpacking the most efficient, the most enjoyable?" The answer is found through direct experience with Jardine's ideas. I have begun experimenting with these and found it very rewarding. Beyond Backpacking is much more than a guide to lighter gear. It is a how-to manual for enhancing all aspects of the wilderness experience. Very inspiring!" -John B.
"We were interested in Ray and Jenny for a number of reasons: their achievements as long distance hikers (PCT 3 times; Triple Crown etc); their importance as innovators (Ray's designing of Friends for climbing in the 60's; their own design of kayak for their recent trips in the Arctic etc). But perhaps most importantly for the philosophy, motivation and commitment that lies behind these achievements - from our point of view their whole concept of ultra-lightweight backpacking together with their philosophy of going with nature. From a U.K. perspective we see them in a long line of U.S. based wilderness thinkers and philosophers - Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, Abbey etc. We view them as immensely important and they were right at the top of our list for this second series of Wilderness Walks." -Richard Else, Series Producer/Director, Triple Echo Productions, BBC Wilderness Walks.
"Revolutionary thinking for revolutionary results." -Derek M.
"Be a bit more open minded and you'll be surprised at what you can extract from this tome." -Heninger
"Bottom line - Ray is a genius." -Clay B.
"I just want to tell you how much you have done to improve my life. I was 100 pounds overweight and decided that I would never again hike in the mountains...my brother and I literally "grew up" in the High Sierras. After reading your book, Beyond Backpacking, I lost over 80 pounds and went with my Brother, Ken, into the Sierras with our lite gear last summer and I had the most spiritual experience of my life at Iceberg Lake, when I realized I once had given up on ever again being in that beautiful temple! I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't even talk for a while and my brother left me alone to my thoughts. It turned out to be the greatest five days of my life in the wilderness with my brother and me re-living our youth. I'm ALIVE again, thanks to you! I have never had such a grand experience as when I'm hiking with the lightweight gear, inspired by your books...I don't even want to stop hiking at the end of the day! Much different than years ago with all of that extra weight. Stealth camping is the only way to go. I don't plan to be a long distance hiker, but I enjoy five days or less at a time in the mountains...as often as possible. I'm looking forward to putting in about a thousand miles this summer in the Cascades and the Sierras...but in smaller intervals. I can't tell you how much I owe to you for bringing me out of my living death and putting me back where I ought to be." -Ray J.
The joy of hiking is inversely proportional to the weight of your pack. Carry nothing and your pleasure is unbounded. No one has articulated the benefits and the know-how of carrying little as Ray Jardine has. He can show you how to liberate yourself from your tent, water filter, stove, and most of the rest of your gear. He also has the best tricks for completing long through-hikes. The best times I've ever had in my decades of trekking have been when I was carrying little more than what I was wearing, and hiking the way Jardine Promotes." -Whole Earth, Winter 2002/2003; KK, (book review pg. 63.)
"Ray Jardine's book has set in motion a spreading revolution in backpacking technique and tools - toward drastically lighter packs and significantly more fun on the trail for all. Certainly for me." -Whole Earth, Winter 2002/2003; Stewart B.
Blast from the past - Ray Jardine is a name very familiar to anyone who was rockclimbing in the '80s. Jardine is the guy who invented the first camming device. He totally revolutionized rockclimbing protection and his device contributed to a surge in standards, particularly on crack climbs. So it was fascinating for me to see his name pop up in the context of recent developments in lightweight bushwalking. -Outdoor Australia, March 2003, Lucas T. , Editor
Easing the Burden - Developments in Lightweight Bushwalking
Greg takes a look at the influence of Ray Jardine on lightweight walking gear and at some of the new (and some not-so-new) developments. Anyone who has ever wished for a lighter pack should keep reading...
One of the proponents of the ultra-light approach, Ray Jardine has generated much discussion in US outdoors circles in recent years. Jardine has had a remarkable influence on a variety of outdoor pursuits over the past 30 years. After revolutionizing rockclimbing protection in the '70s he then applied his enquiring mind and ingenuity to lightweight hiking and more recently to arctic sea kayaking. His 1992 book The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker's Handbook was far more than a mere trail guide, outlining in detail his novel "systems" approach to super-lightweight walking. His musings on minimalist travel, further refined in a second book, Beyond Backpacking espouse the more extreme end of the lightweight walking philosophy, though he would no doubt deny his ideas were in any was "extreme." He simply proposed a method of making long-distance multi-day walks enjoyable rather than grim ordeals. He completed the Pacific Crest Trail three times, on his third traverse carry a pack weighing less the 5kg (not including food and water), and this for a three and half-month, 4200km trip from Mexico to Canada! Jardine's philosophies struck a chord with many walkers who were tired of lugging around overladen packs, and legions have followed his lead. The current push to developing new technologies and new systems to lighten loads was born. The philosophy behind what's become known as the "Ray Way" of walking is that "the right five kilograms used as a system works much better than traditional heavy gear. Jardine's approach is that by carrying less we can walk farther, with less stress on our bodies, and we can enjoy the surroundings more." -Outdoor Australia, March 2003, Greg C.
Ray Jardine, a former NASA scientist, created the Friend camming device for rockclimbers in 1974, after finding current technology insecure and unsuitable for the next wave of climbing development in Yosemite, California. This device revoultionised rock protection, and caused a storm or protests in its day from traditionalists who saw it as cheating. After leaving climbing Ray and his wife Jenny took up long-distance hiking and after a decade of trial and error (and after walking about 32,000km) devised a system of ultra-lightweight gear weighting less than 5kg (minus food and water).
He became a reluctant guru to many thousands of American hikers, who embraced his philosophies and discovered just how light a bushwalking load could be. Some of the more traditional backpackers strongly criticized his approach as too radical and even dangerous, however the practicality in his suggestions withstood the backlash. Check www.rayjardine.com for more information. His latest book, Beyond backpacking, further refines these philosophies and has become a best seller widely applauded for its innovative approach, giving detailed instructions on how to make your own light equipment." -Outdoor Australia, March 2003
BACKPACKER magazine, Feb 1998: The Ray Way
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