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Iron Butt - BunBurner

Motorcycle Adventure #24

Ray Jardine


Ray's Iron Butt Ride #2

Bun Burner #1 (Bronze)

1,537 miles, 33 hrs 23 min

Nov 12 & 13, 2023

Bun Burner 1500 = 1,500 miles in 36 hours

"Ray, as I have said before, you are an inspiration to all of us!" -Michael Kneebone, President and Founder: Iron Butt Association - "World's Toughest Motorcycle Riders"

Ray's Iron Butt Rides

Loop-1: 1,012 miles (Google Map)

Loop-2: 527 miles (Google Map)

GPS Log Map (More accurate)

Submission to IBA

Nov 11, 2023 Ray's Bun-Burner 1500 (Bronze) "Holbrook"
Another Iron Butt ride: the "Bun Burner 1,500 miles in 36 hours".
(Actual: 1,537mi in 33hrs 23min)
Before the Bun Burner 1500, I made several half-day rides, to test out the bike and systems.
Day-1, 3:15 AM Nov 12 Departure: Jenny signing me in.
First gas stop, 4:08 AM, Temperature 18°F
Gas Stop 1: , Quemado NM (Location)
Socorro near sunrise.
New River
Back home, Jenny signing me out, for the day.

* * *

Jenny has loaded my tail box with another round of food and drinks.
Jenny signing me back in.
Gas Stop 16, Springerville, AZ (Location)
Back home!
Jenny signing me out.
In addition to my normal riding clothes, I wore these layers underneath them.
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