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Hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT#3)

Springer Mountain to Mount Katahdin

Thru-hike #7

100 days, 2,100 miles


Ray Jardine

My third Thru-Hike of the Appalachian Trail, Solo and Early Season. This hike was characterized by deep snow in the Smokies, lots of blow-downs along the full length of trail, and a great deal of solitude but also very enjoyable hiking in beautiful surroundings.

March 4, 2010 to June 12, 2010 = 101 days.

The trail up to the summit of Mt. Springer.
Despite the recent snowfall, there were lots of tracks, so the hiking was easy. No boots required, I hiked in my usual cold-weather trail running shoes.
The evening of Day 1. I hiked until nearly dark.
I camped on frozen ground at Jestus Creek. Breaking camp the next morning, I found that my body heat had thawed the ice under where I had slept. It is difficult to tell in the photo, but the ground under my bed had dried.
Needle ice.
Day 2 and the snow was starting to melt, although there still were deeper sections.
Hikers enjoying the great view and warming sunshine.
Snow on the trail in early season.
Took a layover day in this cozy cabin. Wasn't tired, just not too motivated today. It had only been a few months since I had completed my previous AT thru-hike. And the recent bout with Lymes had drained my energy, although thanks to the Blood Cleaner I could hike again. But my greatest concern was the snow in the Smokies, which I knew was prodigious. So I'm taking my time, letting the snow consolidate before pushing through.
In early season, the hardwood forest colors are largely monochromatic, and due to the lack of leaves, you can see through the tree branches to the sounding mountains - thus giving a better idea of the lay of the land.
Poison Ivy.
Not a good place to sit down.
The snow is melting although some sections of trail are still snowpacked all the way to the Smokies.
The rhododendron doesn't loose its leaves but in cold weather its leaves get droopy.
From Winding Stair Gap I phoned Ron Haven and caught his shuttle into Franklin where I stayed at his Budget Inn. Still thinking of the snow in the Smokies, I took another layover day.
Camped near Wesser Bald Observation Tower. The rain has stopped, and I have hung my gear to dry.
Mountains thrusting up through a sea of clouds.
At last, the trail descends to the Nantahala Outdoor Center. Time for lunch.
After breaking camp, I'm greeted by the early mourning sun filtering through the trees.
This year there were lots of Blowdowns covering the trail.
The previous winter was fraught with high winds, and because this was early season, the trail maintenance volunteers had not yet cleared the trail. It makes you appreciate these people and the hard work they do each year.
Lots of snowplodding and blowdowns. Heavy rain in the afternoon.
Fontana Dam (and the southern border of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park) at dawn. After leaving the trail near here, and catching a ride down to Robbinsville, I enjoyed a few days layover, waiting for better conditions. The high country had received lots of snow. But at last I'm ready to tackle the Smokies. The timing has been on my mind for these last two weeks, as I wait for the snow in the Smokies to consolidate. Turns out that a day earlier and I might not have gotten through. So in retrospect, my timing was spot on. I was among the first to get through after the big snowstorm two weeks ago, and several lesser ones since - including the snow storm two days ago.
The entrance to the National Park.
Greeted by a beautiful sunrise as I climb higher.
Crunch, crunch, crunch - as I walk over the shards of rime ice fallen from the tree branches overhead. I'm wearing home-made shell pants and home-made gators covering my trail shoes. I wore my shell pants every day during this hike, and you can make your own from our kit Ray-Way Shell-Pants.
The shards of rime ice falling from the tree branches overhead was like a barrage at times, and almost painful. Until the temperature steady declined as the trail climbed even higher.
I seemed to have the whole southern Smokies to myself this morning. I did not see anyone on the trail today, although I did see a few people in the shelters.
A squirrel in the rafters, hoping for a hand-out. It seemed almost impervious to the cold.
The trail climbed higher still, and into a white-out. On Thunderhead Mountain I set my camera on a rock and backtracked for the photo.

As the afternoon wore on, the winds increased and the temperature plummeted, until I was hiking close to the edge. The snow deepened and I had to posthole for miles. At one point I lost a shoe and had to dig it back put. this was no place for tarp camping, I had to reach the next shelter.

Finally arriving at Derrick Knob Shelter in the dark, I found four other hikers - but there was plenty of room for me.
Next morning I set off in the dark, and after a slug of snow plodding, reached Clingmans Dome in the early afternoon. The trail from there to Newfound Gap was said to be a tangle of blowdowns, and I saw no evidence of anyone hiking it. So like everyone else (what few there were) I followed the snow-covered road for those few miles.

Reaching Newfound Gap, I tried to hitch a ride. There was plenty of traffic, but no one would stop. And while standing there, I became deeply chilled - because of the lack of warming exercise. Finally a van stopped for me. It was heavily emblazoned with christian type slogans, but the diver quickly offered that he was not a christian but was only delivering christian t-shirts. I asked him to turn up the heat. It was a very interesting ride, listening to his stories. He was disabled, having jumped off a riverside cliff, while drunk, and missing the water. The stories went on, until at last we reached Gatlinburg.

T-shirt seen in a store window: I've hiked the entire (width of the) Appalachian Trail.
The "Great Smoky Mountains," viewed during my shuttle ride back to the trail.
Deep snow: some tracks with slippery tread, and some post-holing; very cold in the morning and slushy in the afternoon.
Good weather and lots of pretty scenery.
knife edge.
Miles and miles of this.
The snow is melting as I wend my way down the Smoky Mountains.
In darkness I finally reached Low Gap, about one mile past Cosby Knob Shelter.
I love the subtle colors of an early morning. It's fresh new day, great for hiking!
The early morning is also cold, and the trail harbors slippery ice. Caution is in order.
Good views on the upper slopes of Mt Cammerer.
Stone trail embankment made by the CCC in the 1930s. An amazing piece of work in such an unlikely place.
Down and down the mountains I trod, until finally: First green! Trillium (poss recurvatum). Along the AT, this plant is among the first to show itself after a long winter. So it's the harbinger of spring. And the further north I hike, the later the spring. So I would be seeing them pretty much every day, it seems, all the way to Maine. I would be "Traveling with Trilliums" this season.
Trail crossing, face washing, and a long pause for appreciating the beauty of the area.


Pigeon River
Corridor of Beauty Preservation.
Standing Bear Farm, an hour's stop-over. No one is here; looks like I'm ahead of the gang.
Supplies, thanks to Maria.
I've got pizza in the oven.
Some to eat now, some to carry for dinner - 50/50.
Max Patch
Once past the Smokies, the ground was mostly snow-free.
Walnut Mountain Shelter
Lingering snow.
Fist glimpse of Hot Springs.
Pre-dawn departure from Hot Springs.
Spring Mountain Shelter
Little Laurel Shelter

* * * story in progress * * *

Mt. Washington
Sleeping on the trail.
The Place hostel, Damascus, VA. I had the whole place to myself.
Over Mt Rogers.
Above Pearisburg.
Sunrise on the trail.
Loft Mountain Wayside, not yet open for the season. Hiking in the dark, I needed a place to camp.
Camped with friends (Walt and Pat) in Big Meadows Campground.
The Doyle Hotel in Duncannon, a favorite stop.
Culvers gap

^Culvers gap^41.177357^-74.791326^

Hostel in Unionville 41.301858,-74.561759
Mt. Wilcox South Lean-to 42.207766,-73.268219
In mid-season I would not camp this close to the trail. But now in early season, there is very little chance that hikers will come along. I chose this site for it's excellent drainage in case of rain.
Blackflys. They want out. The tarp is all the protection needed against blackflys; no net-tent needed.
Near Mizpah Spring Hut in the White Mountains.
Tarp pitched over a few saplings. In this photo I haven't finished pitching the Net-tent quiet yet.

This thru-hike was a completely different experience than my AT hike last year because of the early season. It often seemed like a different trail, so the overall hike was not a repeat performance, by any means. But again, I enjoyed it very much. And once again, I learned SO much. It seemed like every day, lessons seemed to come at me from every direction.

I started on March 4 on Springer Mountain, in 14 inches of snow. The shuttle driver had to put chains on his 4WD vehicle to get to the start.

This year I was an AT front-runner, meaning I was far ahead of the crowd of north-bound thru-hikers. This was because I started somewhat early (March 4th) and because I was among the first to punch through the Smokies.

The Smokies (aka Smokeys) were a bottleneck for early starters this year. I hiked in up to two feet of snow in the southwestern Smokies, and up to five feet of snow beyond Newfound Gap. Nevertheless, I hiked through the Smokies in three days. Before that, the hiking was a bit slow at the start while waiting for the right conditions. After that I picked up the pace, and averaged 25 to 30 miles a day.

I was among the first to get through the Smokies because I waited until the snow had consolidated before going through. Lots of hikers tried to slog through too early, and the vast majority of them turned back. But when the conditions were right, I got through in only three days. Then I started putting down high mileage days.

But being a frontrunner had certain disadvantages. There were a three or four hikers ahead of me, whom I never met because they stayed ahead of me. So the last time I actually met a thru-hiker was in mid-Virginia, and I didn't see another one for the remainder of the trip. So my hike was a solo experience to say the least. Last year I enjoyed the company of other thru-hikers, but this year I actually had to phone a couple of them to touch bases every now and then. And of course I talked with Jenny almost every day (Thank you, Jenny, for being my distant yet constant companion this summer). I never experienced loneliness because there was always so much to do and admire along the way. But I did miss the thru-hiking community, and how they bolster each other and enrich the hiking experience.

As a frontrunner I found nearly all the shelters empty. As usual I preferred to sleep in my Spitfire because it is much more comfortable. But I did stay in two shelters. The same applied to the hostels; I was the only guest in most of the ones I stayed in. In fact, I was often the first thru-hiker they had seen so far this year.

The weather this year was much different than last year's nearly constant rain, it seemed. The trail was mostly mud-free this year, even in Vermont - can you believe it? But I experienced a wide variation in rapidly changing temperatures. Sometimes it was so cold I could see my breath and other times the weather was hot, sweaty and buggy. And I never knew what was coming next, so I had to carry a heavier load of clothing and a two-layer quilt for those sometimes frigid nights. My baseline pack weighed about 9 pounds. Incidentally, I used a quilt with Woodland insulation, not Alpine insulation, and made up for the difference with warmer clothes worn underneath the quilt when needed.

And talk about blow-downs - they were everywhere, from Georgia to the 100-mile wilderness in Maine. Some sections had been cleared, (Thank you trail volunteers!) but about one-third of the trail had not. On one mountain in Virginia I estimated about 800 blow-downs. Hiking in a storm that day was a real challenge.

All this aside, I hiked with early spring from Virginia onwards. It seemed like I was hiking with the blooming trilliums. I saw them everywhere from Virginia to Maine.

This was my third A.T. thru-hike, and during the previous two I white-blazed throughout, never straying from the official route. But with this one I sometimes hiked where I wanted, as opposed to where the trail led. This is called blue-blazing, and I saw some very nice county that I had not seen before. But I don't necessarily recommend this. I think everyone should hike his or her own hike, and make their own decisions. For after all, the A.T. has no hiking rules. How does one spell "hiking"? F-R-E-E-D-O-M. But having had this experience, I think next time I will stick to the official route for the entire distance. I think the white-blazed, official route is superior to most of the blue-blazed alternatives, at lest for my present frame of mind.


Jenny writes:

I flew into Bangor, Maine, rented a car, then drove to Baxter State Park to join Ray for his celebratory climb of Katahdin at the completion of his A.T. thru-hike.

The next morning, just after sun-up, we set off climbing Mt. Katahdin. As I hiked along behind Ray, I noticed something about his gait and his movements that I had not paid much notice to before, on our previous long hikes together. Even though the trail was rough, with roots and rocks to step over or around, Ray seemed to just flow along the trail with no effort at all. His gait was so smooth and steady - and a bit slow, I thought. I was ready to race up the trail and get to the summit. Ray, however, after 3 months of thru-hiking, knew - his body knew - that the slow, steady, smooth pace was the most efficient for this type of terrain, and for going the distance day after day. It was a beautiful thing for me to watch. He looked incredibly strong and fit and so at home and at peace on the trail.

The day was overcast but not threatening, with just a slight breeze above treeline. It was a perfect day for summiting.

The 3,800- (approximately) foot climb took us 3 hours and 10 minutes. Along the way I admired the beautiful plants and trees, creeklets and waterfalls. Coming from the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, this was like being in a tropical jungle. Ray re-introduced me to his trailside companions: striped maple, trillium, the birches and the conifers, blueberry bushes and Labrador tea. We listened to the songs of the thrushes and robins; Ray cautioned me not to step on a small toad scrambling up the side of the trail, weather- and hiking boot-eroded.

Above tree line, we scrambled over jumbled rocks and boulders to reach the high plateau and Katahdin springs. From there the summit was visible, and we quickened our pace to reach that famous signpost and take the pictures. It was a glorious, exciting, and emotional moment for both of us. Ray climbed on top of the sign and gave a shout of joy. I felt so lucky to be able to share this moment with him.

Jenny and Ray at the summit
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