PCT #2, early season in the High Sierra
Pacific Crest Trail
Long-Distance Hike #2:
Campo to Manning Provencial Park
2,700 miles total
4 months and 3 days
Ray & Jenny Jardine

Trail maintainence prior to the hike. Following two major wind storms we chain-sawed about 100 trees from across the PCT in central Oregon.

Our home-made food drier stands near the wood stove. The cheese-cloth bags hanging from the frame contain previously dried food.

Our first evening on the trail, Jenny prepares dinner of corn pasta.

Early season on Forester Pass
May 4. Crossing the notorious couloir beneath Forester Pass. Jenny is using steps I chopped with my ice axe. Her climbing rope is barely visible in this picture, in front of her right leg.

Sunburn protection in the High Sierra"

Worn out shoes: When people no longer point to my shoes and say - "They're two different brands!" I know it's time to switch to new ones.

Creek fording: Jenny using an eddy behind a rock for a short rest mid stream.

At the end of a long, rainy day, drying the down quilt.

In the Three Sisters Wilderness of Oregon.

Trail's end Aug 20.