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Magazine Articles

A Collection

Ray Jardine

BBC Wilderness Walks with host Cameron NcNeish

by Richard Else, BBC Series Producer/Director
29th October 1998

"This is the second series of Wilderness Walks made for BBC television in the U.K. and is made up of six x 30 mins documentaries devoted to a single subject. The brief is clear: we steer well clear of the usual television celebrities to find people who have had their lives profoundly affected by a relationship with particular landscapes. Our programmes see our guests joining Cameron McNeish (arguably Britain's best known walker and editor of TGO - The Great Outdoors - magazine) on a multi-day walk through a wilderness area. We're interested as much in our guests and their motivation as the walk itself and aim to get "under the skin" of what motivates our guests and why such landscapes are so important to them.

"We see Ray and Jenny Jardine in a long line of U.S. based wilderness thinkers and philosophers - Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, Abbey etc. We view them as immensely important." -BBC"

We were interested in Ray and Jenny for a number of reasons: their achievements as long distance hikers (PCT 3 times; Triple Crown etc); their importance as innovators (Ray's designing of friends for climbing in the 60's; their own design of kayak for their recent trips in the Arctic etc). But perhaps most importantly for the philosophy, motivation and commitment that lies behind these achievements - from our point of view their whole concept of ultra-lightweight backpacking together with their philosophy of going with nature. From a U.K. perspective we see them in a long line of U.S. based wilderness thinkers and philosophers - Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, Abbey etc. We view them as immensely important and they were right at the top of our list for this second series of Wilderness Walks.

Our team (camera/sound recordist; safety officer; runners etc) are all outdoors people - some with a credible record of climbing; wilderness travel etc. Being with Ray and Jenny was a real privilege and being able to share their lives for a short period an immense pleasure. We found it absolutely fascinating to see and hear at first hand their own views; to see how they camp with tarp; a quilt instead of sleeping bags and lighting fires the traditional way with fire-bow and tinder. Most of this will be totally new to a U.K. audience and will, I think, just blow our viewers away!

Many will have heard of Ray and Jenny but our film will be, I think, a first for British television. All of us were fascinated to see how they operated; delighted to spent time with them and thrilled they entered into the project with typically whole hearted enthusiasm and trust. Wow - we had a great time! And The Three Sisters Wilderness is just superb.

All of our guests are so very different: a former rock singer turned politician; a British government cabinet minister; a Scot who's spent half of each year for the last 30 years exploring the High Atlas mountains of Morocco; a writer who spent 18 months walking the 10,000 km from the Atlantic Ocean to Istanbul etc etc. But each have this fundamental umbilical relationship with their chosen landscape. I guess the Jardines' are unusual in one point: they have taken this relationship further than many of our other guests and integrated it into a whole Wilderness philosophy that our audience will find riveting.

Best wishes from Scotland,

Richard Else
Series Producer/Director, Wilderness Walks
Triple Echo Productions (television & radio production)
29th October 1998

Pigeons and the Naked Edge: Climbing mag, July 1970
Mountain 56 Cover Photo Ray Jardine leading the second ascent of Separate Reality (5.12) in Yosemite Valley.: Mountain 56 Cover Photo, July 1977
A New Camming Device has been Developed: Off Belay, June 1978
First Free-Climb of El Capitan, Yosemite: In an amazing ascent, Ray Jardine and Bill Price Free Climb the West Face of El Capitan, Yosemite." Mountain mag, 1979.
A Friend In Need: Eric Perlman discusses the history, construction, and use of Ray Jardine's Friends, Mountain mag, September 1979.
Who's Your Friend?: Alec Sharp interviews Ray Jardine. The routes were hard, no doubt about it, and I heard stories of climbers bursting into tears at the top because the pain in their arms was so great. Mountain mag, September 1979
A Day Free Climbing on El Capitan: "Ray Jardine is well known as the inventor of the FRIENDS. He has marked 50 first ascents of free climbs in Yosemite Valley including seven 5.12's and the first 5.13 on Phoenix route. The first free ascent of grade Vl wall also was made by the author with Bill Price in the spring of 1979 on the West Face route of El Capitan. The present article special to ITY by Jardine and D. Bolster is their diary on a day in their attempt on the Nose route in the spring of 1980." IWA TO YUKI, June 1981
Epic 700-Mile Mexican Kayak Journey: Two San Diego sailors recently completed an epic 700-Mile Mexican Kayak Journey from San Felipe, Mexico, to La Paz, along the Sea of Cortez coast of Baja. This is their story. San Diego Log, November 1981
The Atol Toll: During their round-the-world sailing voyage, Jenny and Ray encountered a number of hurricanes. This article describes what happened to two of their cruising-couple friends. One couple perished by a stroke of bad luck, the other survived by a stroke of good luck. Latitude 38, August 1983.
Handbook Gves Tips for Long-Distance Hikes: Handbook gives tips for long-distance hikes: "More miles under his boots than most people have on their cars" The Bend Bulletin; June 1992.
Extraordinary Lightweight Doctrine: Let me say right away that Ray Jardine is a remarkable character. A scientist, inventor and multi-disciplined outdoorsman, Jardine has taken the accepted doctrine of lightweight back-packing, shaken it up and produced some radical ideas. TGO, March 1995
Jardine's Creativity makes for more Enjoyment: Stienstra, San Francisco Examiner, July 1995
Kayakers-Challenge-the-Arctic: Ridler, The Bulletin, December 1996
Once every two or three decades a book comes along that fundamentally reshapes how we think.: Backpacker mag, December 1996
Homespun ingenuity: Packing Light: Homespun ingenuity means nothing weighs heavily on their shoulders. Seattle Times, June 1997
Experiences with El NiƱo: Lattitude 38; October 1997 by R.J.
First-Rate Trip of Last Resort: Setbacks turn out serendipitous for ambitious LaPine kayakers. Bend Bulletin, Feb 1998
The Ray Way: When an intellect as big and unencumbered by conventional thinking as Jardine's is focused on a problem, the solution is going to be original, possibly even spectacular, and probably socially unacceptable. Backpacker mag, February 1998
BBC Wilderness Walks: We see Ray and Jenny in a long line of U.S. based wilderness thinkers and philosophers - Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, Abbey etc. We view them as immensely important. BBC2, November 1998
Adventure to the Limit: A successful trip has certain characteristics. Chief among them is finding the inner strength to meet the challenge of unforeseen events and being able to overcome them. Bulletin, October 1999
Profile of Sea Kayak Adventurers: Ray Jardine might be best known for his contributions to the climbing world. But there's another side to him most people don't know - one where he swaps his ropes for a paddle as one of the leading expedition sea kayakers in the country. Paddler mag, Jan 2000
Shortcuts to Wilderness Connection: "Ray Jardine is America's foremost trail walking guru. An advocate of light-weight travel, he also preaches the benefits of getting closer to nature - much closer. Here Ray outlines his short-cut route to getting in-touch with Mother Earth." TGO magazine, January 2000
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